Jingshan Li
Jingshan Li
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Production Systems Engineering
J Li
Springer, 2008
Throughput analysis of production systems: recent advances and future topics
J Li, D E. Blumenfeld, N Huang, J M. Alden
International Journal of Production Research 47 (14), 3823-3851, 2009
A Hierarchical structure of key performance indicators for operation management and continuous improvement in production systems
N Kang, C Zhao, J Li, JA Horst
International journal of production research 54 (21), 6333-6350, 2016
Modeling and analysis of the emergency department at University of Kentucky Chandler Hospital using simulations
S Brenner, Z Zeng, Y Liu, J Wang, J Li, PK Howard
Journal of emergency nursing 36 (4), 303-310, 2010
Designing production systems for quality: research opportunities from an automotive industry perspective
RR Inman, DE Blumenfeld, N Huang, J Li
International journal of production research 41 (9), 1953-1971, 2003
A simulation study to improve quality of care in the emergency department of a community hospital
Z Zeng, X Ma, Y Hu, J Li, D Bryant
Journal of emergency Nursing 38 (4), 322-328, 2012
Overlapping decomposition: A system-theoretic method for modeling and analysis of complex manufacturing systems
J Li
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 2 (1), 40-53, 2005
A classification and review of timed Markov models of manufacturing systems
CT Papadopoulos, J Li, MEJ O'Kelly
Computers & Industrial Engineering 128, 219-244, 2019
Reducing length of stay in emergency department: A simulation study at a community hospital
J Wang, J Li, K Tussey, K Ross
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and …, 2012
Review of structures and control of battery‐supercapacitor hybrid energy storage system for electric vehicles
F Ju, Q Zhang, W Deng, J Li
Advances in Battery Manufacturing, Service, and Management Systems, 303-318, 2016
Performance analysis of production systems with rework loops
J Li
IIE Transactions 36 (8), 755-765, 2004
Buffer capacity for accommodating machine downtime in serial production lines
E Enginarlar, J Li, SM Meerkov, RQ Zhang
International Journal of Production Research 40 (3), 601-624, 2002
Survey of recent advances on the interface between production system design and quality
RR Inman, DE Blumenfeld, N Huang, J Li, J Li
IIE transactions 45 (6), 557-574, 2013
Comparisons of two-machine line models in throughput analysis
J Li, DE Blumenfeld, JM Alden
International journal of production research 44 (7), 1375-1398, 2006
Continuous improvement at Toyota manufacturing plant: applications of production systems engineering methods
J Li
International Journal of Production Research 51 (23-24), 7235-7249, 2013
Production system design for quality robustness
J Li, DE Blumenfeld, SP Marin
Iie Transactions 40 (3), 162-176, 2008
Throughput analysis in automotive paint shops: A case study
J Li
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 1 (1), 90-98, 2004
Towards modeling of resilience dynamics in manufacturing enterprises: Literature review and problem formulation
Y Hu, J Li, LE Holloway
Automation Science and Engineering, 2008. CASE 2008. IEEE International …, 2008
An analytical formula for throughput of a production line with identical stations and random failures
DE Blumenfeld, J Li
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2005 (3), 293-308, 2005
Transient analysis to design buffer capacity in dairy filling and packing production lines
J Wang, Y Hu, J Li
Journal of Food Engineering 98 (1), 1-12, 2010
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Articles 1–20