Claus Stadler
Claus Stadler
Ph.D. student, University of Leipzig
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Linkedgeodata: A core for a web of spatial open data
C Stadler, J Lehmann, K Höffner, S Auer
Semantic Web 3 (4), 333-354, 2012
The modular SSN ontology: A joint W3C and OGC standard specifying the semantics of sensors, observations, sampling, and actuation
A Haller, K Janowicz, SJD Cox, M Lefrançois, K Taylor, D Le Phuoc, ...
Semantic Web 10 (1), 9-32, 2019
Dbpedia and the live extraction of structured data from wikipedia
M Morsey, J Lehmann, S Auer, C Stadler, S Hellmann
Program 46 (2), 157-181, 2012
Assessing linked data mappings using network measures
C Guéret, P Groth, C Stadler, J Lehmann
The Semantic Web: Research and Applications: 9th Extended Semantic Web …, 2012
Managing the life-cycle of linked data with the LOD2 stack
S Auer, L Bühmann, C Dirschl, O Erling, M Hausenblas, R Isele, ...
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2012: 11th International Semantic Web Conference …, 2012
Distributed semantic analytics using the SANSA stack
J Lehmann, G Sejdiu, L Bühmann, P Westphal, C Stadler, I Ermilov, S Bin, ...
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2017: 16th International Semantic Web Conference …, 2017
DBpedia live extraction
S Hellmann, C Stadler, J Lehmann, S Auer
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems: OTM 2009: Confederated …, 2009
Keyword-driven sparql query generation leveraging background knowledge
S Shekarpour, S Auer, ACN Ngomo, D Gerber, S Hellmann, C Stadler
2011 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conferences on Web Intelligence and …, 2011
User-driven semantic mapping of tabular data
I Ermilov, S Auer, C Stadler
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Semantic Systems, 105-112, 2013
Csv2rdf: User-driven csv to rdf mass conversion framework
I Ermilov, S Auer, C Stadler
Proceedings of the ISEM 13, 04-06, 2013
Exploring the web of spatial data with facete
C Stadler, M Martin, S Auer
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on World Wide Web, 175-178, 2014
Knowledge extraction from structured sources
J Unbehauen, S Hellmann, S Auer, C Stadler
Search computing: Broadening web search, 34-52, 2012
Llm-assisted knowledge graph engineering: Experiments with chatgpt
LP Meyer, C Stadler, J Frey, N Radtke, K Junghanns, R Meissner, ...
Working conference on Artificial Intelligence Development for a Resilient …, 2023
Simplified RDB2RDF Mapping.
C Stadler, J Unbehauen, P Westphal, MA Sherif, J Lehmann
LDOW@ WWW 1409, 2015
Accessing relational data on the web with sparqlmap
J Unbehauen, C Stadler, S Auer
Semantic Technology: Second Joint International Conference, JIST 2012, Nara …, 2013
Cubeviz: Exploration and visualization of statistical linked data
M Martin, K Abicht, C Stadler, AC Ngonga Ngomo, T Soru, S Auer
Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web, 219-222, 2015
Increasing the financial transparency of european commission project funding
M Martin, C Stadler, P Frischmuth, J Lehmann
Semantic Web 5 (2), 157-164, 2014
SQCFramework: SPARQL query containment benchmark generation framework
M Saleem, C Stadler, Q Mehmood, J Lehmann, ACN Ngomo
Proceedings of the 9th Knowledge Capture Conference, 1-8, 2017
Sparklify: A scalable software component for efficient evaluation of sparql queries over distributed rdf datasets
C Stadler, G Sejdiu, D Graux, J Lehmann
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2019: 18th International Semantic Web Conference …, 2019
Managing geospatial linked data in the GeoKnow project
J Lehmann, S Athanasiou, A Both, A Garcia Rojas, G Giannopoulos, ...
The Semantic Web in Earth and Space Science. Current Status and Future …, 2015
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Artículos 1–20