Michael S Pratte
Michael S Pratte
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An assessment of fixed-capacity models of visual working memory
JN Rouder, RD Morey, N Cowan, CE Zwilling, CC Morey, MS Pratte
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (16), 5975-5979, 2008
Decoding patterns of human brain activity
F Tong, MS Pratte
Annual review of psychology 63 (1), 483-509, 2012
Exploring the differences in distributional properties between Stroop and Simon effects using delta plots
MS Pratte, JN Rouder, RD Morey, C Feng
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 72, 2013-2025, 2010
Sensory uncertainty decoded from visual cortex predicts behavior
RS Van Bergen, W Ji Ma, MS Pratte, JFM Jehee
Nature neuroscience 18 (12), 1728-1730, 2015
Accounting for stimulus-specific variation in precision reveals a discrete capacity limit in visual working memory.
MS Pratte, YE Park, RL Rademaker, F Tong
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 43 (1), 6, 2017
Using MCMC chain outputs to efficiently estimate Bayes factors
RD Morey, JN Rouder, MS Pratte, PL Speckman
Journal of Mathematical Psychology 55 (5), 368-378, 2011
Attention alters orientation processing in the human lateral geniculate nucleus
S Ling, MS Pratte, F Tong
Nature neuroscience 18 (4), 496-498, 2015
Spatial specificity of working memory representations in the early visual cortex
MS Pratte, F Tong
Journal of vision 14 (3), 22-22, 2014
Detecting chance: A solution to the null sensitivity problem in subliminal priming
JN Rouder, RD Morey, PL Speckman, MS Pratte
Psychonomic bulletin & review 14, 597-605, 2007
A task-difficulty artifact in subliminal priming
MS Pratte, JN Rouder
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 71 (6), 1276-1283, 2009
Separating mnemonic process from participant and item effects in the assessment of ROC asymmetries.
MS Pratte, JN Rouder, RD Morey
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 36 (1), 224, 2010
Problematic effects of aggregation in z ROC analysis and a hierarchical modeling solution
RD Morey, MS Pratte, JN Rouder
Journal of Mathematical Psychology 52 (6), 376-388, 2008
Hierarchical single-and dual-process models of recognition memory
MS Pratte, JN Rouder
Journal of Mathematical Psychology 55 (1), 36-46, 2011
Swap errors in spatial working memory are guesses
MS Pratte
Psychonomic bulletin & review 26, 958-966, 2019
Delta plots and coherent distribution ordering
PL Speckman, JN Rouder, RD Morey, MS Pratte
The American Statistician 62 (3), 262-266, 2008
Assessing the dissociability of recollection and familiarity in recognition memory.
MS Pratte, JN Rouder
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 38 (6), 1591, 2012
Latent mnemonic strengths are latent: A comment on Mickes, Wixted, and Wais (2007)
JN Rouder, MS Pratte, RD Morey
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 17 (3), 427-435, 2010
How attention extracts objects from noise
MS Pratte, S Ling, JD Swisher, F Tong
Journal of Neurophysiology 110 (6), 1346-1356, 2013
Expertise for upright faces improves the precision but not the capacity of visual working memory
ES Lorenc, MS Pratte, CF Angeloni, F Tong
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 76, 1975-1984, 2014
Iconic memories die a sudden death
MS Pratte
Psychological science 29 (6), 877-887, 2018
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Articles 1–20