Marcos Andre Goncalves
Marcos Andre Goncalves
Computer Science Professor, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil
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SentiBench - a benchmark comparison of state-of-the-practice sentiment analysis methods
F Ribeiro, M Araújo, P Gonçalves, MA Gonçalves, F Benevenuto
EPJ Data Science 5 (23), 2016
Using early view patterns to predict the popularity of youtube videos
H Pinto, JM Almeida, MA Gonçalves
Proceedings of the sixth ACM international conference on Web search and data …, 2013
Streams, structures, spaces, scenarios, societies (5s) A formal model for digital libraries
MA Gonçalves, EA Fox, LT Watson, NA Kipp
ACM transactions on information systems (TOIS) 22 (2), 270-312, 2004
A brief survey of automatic methods for author name disambiguation
AA Ferreira, MA Gonçalves, AHF Laender
Acm Sigmod Record 41 (2), 15-26, 2012
Recommender systems research: A connection-centric survey
S Perugini, MA Gonçalves, EA Fox
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 23, 107-143, 2004
Detecting spammers and content promoters in online video social networks
F Benevenuto, T Rodrigues, V Almeida, J Almeida, M Gonçalves
Proceedings of the 32nd international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and …, 2009
“What is a good digital library?”–A quality model for digital libraries
MA Gonçalves, BL Moreira, EA Fox, LT Watson
Information processing & management 43 (5), 1416-1437, 2007
A genetic programming framework for content-based image retrieval
RS Torres, AX Falcão, MA Gonçalves, JP Papa, B Zhang, W Fan, EA Fox
Pattern Recognition 42 (2), 283-292, 2009
Learning to advertise
A Lacerda, M Cristo, MA Gonçalves, W Fan, N Ziviani, B Ribeiro-Neto
Proceedings of the 29th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on …, 2006
Infodemics and health misinformation: a systematic review of reviews
IJB Do Nascimento, AB Pizarro, JM Almeida, N Azzopardi-Muscat, ...
Bulletin of the World Health Organization 100 (9), 544, 2022
Analyzing the dynamic evolution of hashtags on twitter: a language-based approach
E Cunha, G Magno, G Comarela, V Almeida, MA Gonçalves, ...
Proceedings of the workshop on language in social media (LSM 2011), 58-65, 2011
A source independent framework for research paper recommendation
C Nascimento, AHF Laender, AS da Silva, MA Gonçalves
Proceedings of the 11th annual international ACM/IEEE joint conference on …, 2011
Digital libraries
EA Fox, MA Gonçalves, NA Kipp
Handbook on information technologies for education and training, 623-641, 2002
Combining link-based and content-based methods for web document classification
P Calado, M Cristo, E Moura, N Ziviani, B Ribeiro-Neto, MA Gonçalves
Proceedings of the twelfth international conference on Information and …, 2003
Word co-occurrence features for text classification
F Figueiredo, L Rocha, T Couto, T Salles, MA Gonçalves, W Meira Jr
Information Systems 36 (5), 843-858, 2011
Automatic quality assessment of content created collaboratively by web communities: a case study of wikipedia
D Hasan Dalip, M André Gonçalves, M Cristo, P Calado
Proceedings of the 9th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries …, 2009
An unsupervised heuristic‐based hierarchical method for name disambiguation in bibliographic citations
RG Cota, AA Ferreira, C Nascimento, MA Gonçalves, AHF Laender
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 61 (9 …, 2010
A genetic programming approach to record deduplication
MG De Carvalho, AHF Laender, MA Goncalves, AS da Silva
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 24 (3), 399-412, 2010
Using web information for author name disambiguation
DA Pereira, B Ribeiro-Neto, N Ziviani, AHF Laender, MA Gonçalves, ...
Proceedings of the 9th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries, 49-58, 2009
Link‐based similarity measures for the classification of Web documents
P Calado, M Cristo, MA Gonçalves, ES de Moura, B Ribeiro‐Neto, ...
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 57 (2 …, 2006
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Artículos 1–20