Alan Hedge
Alan Hedge
Professor of Ergonomics, Cornell University
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Sick building syndrome: a study of 4373 office workers
S Burge, A Hedge, S Wilson, JH Bass, A Robertson
The Annals of Occupational Hygiene 31 (4A), 493-504, 1987
The sedentary office: an expert statement on the growing case for change towards better health and productivity
JP Buckley, A Hedge, T Yates, RJ Copeland, M Loosemore, M Hamer, ...
British journal of sports medicine 49 (21), 1357-1362, 2015
The open-plan office: A systematic investigation of employee reactions to their work environment
A Hedge
Environment and behavior 14 (5), 519-542, 1982
Effects of keyboard tray geometry on upper body posture and comfort
A Hedge, S Morimoto, D Mccrobie
Ergonomics 42 (10), 1333-1349, 1999
Work-related illness in offices: A proposed model of the “sick building syndrome”
A Hedge, PS Burge, AS Robertson, S Wilson, J Harris-Bass
Environment International 15 (1-6), 143-158, 1989
Multi-touch: A new tactile 2-d gesture interface for human-computer interaction
W Westerman, JG Elias, A Hedge
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 45 (6 …, 2001
Comparison of health problems related to work and environmental measurements in two office buildings with different ventilation systems.
AS Robertson, PS Burge, A Hedge, J Sims, FS Gill, M Finnegan, ...
Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) 291 (6492), 373-376, 1985
The office environment survey: a study of building sickness.
S Wilson, A Hedge
Wrist postures while keyboarding: effects of a negative slope keyboard system and full motion forearm supports
Ergonomics 38 (3), 508-517, 1995
Effects of lensed-indirect and parabolic lighting on the satisfaction, visual health, and productivity of office workers
A Hedge, WR Sims Jr, FD Becker
Ergonomics 38 (2), 260-290, 1995
Predicting sick building syndrome at the individual and aggregate levels
A Hedge, WA Erickson, G Rubin
Environment international 22 (1), 3-19, 1996
The effect of computer workstation design on student posture
KL Laeser, LE Maxwell, A Hedge
Journal of Research on Computing in Education 31 (2), 173-188, 1998
Where are we in understanding the effects of where we are?
A Hedge
Ergonomics 43 (7), 1019-1029, 2000
Effects of an electronic height-adjustable worksurface on computer worker musculoskeletal discomfort and productivity
A Hedge, EJ Ray
Proceedings of the human factors and ergonomics society annual meeting 48 (8 …, 2004
Cognitive ergonomics, socio-technical systems, and the impact of healthcare information technologies
EK Lawler, A Hedge, S Pavlovic-Veselinovic
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 41 (4), 336-344, 2011
An ergonomic expert system for risk assessment of work-related musculo-skeletal disorders
S Pavlovic-Veselinovic, A Hedge, M Veselinovic
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 53, 130-139, 2016
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and Cubital Tunnel Syndrome: Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders in Four Symptomatic Radiologists
L Ruess, SC O'Connor, KH Cho, FH Hussain, WJ Howard III, ...
American journal of roentgenology 181 (1), 37-42, 2003
Green buildings need good ergonomics
A Hedge, JA Dorsey
Ergonomics 56 (3), 492-506, 2013
An anthropometric and postural risk assessment of children's school computer work environments
S Oates, GW Evans, A Hedge
Computers in the Schools 14 (3-4), 55-63, 1999
Evidence of a relationship between office design and self-reports of ill health among office workers in the United Kingdom
A Hedge
Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 163-174, 1984
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