Alan Fekete
Alan Fekete
Professor of Enterprise Software Systems, University of Sydney
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Making snapshot isolation serializable
A Fekete, D Liarokapis, E O'Neil, P O'Neil, D Shasha
ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS) 30 (2), 492-528, 2005
Serializable isolation for snapshot databases
MJ Cahill, U Röhm, AD Fekete
ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS) 34 (4), 20, 2009
MDCC: Multi-data center consistency
T Kraska, G Pang, MJ Franklin, S Madden, A Fekete
Proceedings of the 8th ACM European Conference on Computer Systems, 113-126, 2013
Problem-based learning for foundation computer science courses
J Kay, M Barg, A Fekete, T Greening, O Hollands, JH Kingston, ...
Computer Science Education 10 (2), 109-128, 2000
Highly Available Transactions: Virtues and Limitations
P Bailis, A Davidson, A Fekete, A Ghodsi, JM Hellerstein, I Stoica
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 7 (3), 181-192, 2013
Data Consistency Properties and the Trade-offs in Commercial Cloud Storage: the Consumers' Perspective.
H Wada, A Fekete, L Zhao, K Lee, A Liu
CIDR 11, 134-143, 2011
Specifying and using a partitionable group communication service
A Fekete, N Lynch, A Shvartsman
ACM Transactions on Computer Systems (TOCS) 19 (2), 171-216, 2001
Coordination Avoidance in Database Systems
P Bailis, A Fekete, MJ Franklin, A Ghodsi, JM Hellerstein, I Stoica
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 8 (3), 2014
How A Consumer Can Measure Elasticity for Cloud Platforms
S Islam, K Lee, A Fekete, A Liu
Proceedings of International Conference on Performance Engineering (ICPE'12 …, 2011
Making sense of business process descriptions: An experimental comparison of graphical and textual notations
A Ottensooser, A Fekete, HA Reijers, J Mendling, C Menictas
Journal of Systems and Software 85 (3), 596-606, 2012
Scalable atomic visibility with RAMP transactions
P Bailis, A Fekete, A Ghodsi, JM Hellerstein, I Stoica
ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS) 41 (3), 1-45, 2016
Eventually-serializable data services
A Fekete, D Gupta, V Luchangco, N Lynch, A Shvartsman
Theoretical Computer Science 220 (1), 113-156, 1999
Atomic transactions
NA Lynch, M Merritt, W Weihl, A Fekete
Morgan Kaufmann, 1994
Unbundling transaction services in the cloud
D Lomet, A Fekete, G Weikum, M Zwilling
Arxiv preprint arXiv:0909.1768 (also in Proc CIDR'2009), 2009
Design-level performance prediction of component-based applications
Y Liu, I Gorton, A Fekete
Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on 31 (11), 928-941, 2005
The potential dangers of causal consistency and an explicit solution
P Bailis, A Fekete, A Ghodsi, JM Hellerstein, I Stoica
Proceedings of the Third ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing, 22, 2012
Compensation is not enough
P Greenfield, A Fekete, J Jang, D Kuo
Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference, 2003. Proceedings …, 2003
The cost of serializability on platforms that use snapshot isolation
M Alomari, M Cahill, A Fekete, U Rohm
Data Engineering, 2008. ICDE 2008. IEEE 24th International Conference on …, 2008
Reliable communication over unreliable channels
Y Afek, H Attiya, A Fekete, M Fischer, N Lynch, Y Mansour, DW Wang, ...
Journal of the ACM 41 (6), 1267-1297, 1994
Automating the detection of snapshot isolation anomalies
S Jorwekar, A Fekete, K Ramamritham, S Sudarshan
Proceedings of the 33rd international conference on Very large data bases …, 2007
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Artículos 1–20