Michael Steinbach
Cited by
Cited by
Top 10 algorithms in data mining
X Wu, V Kumar, J Ross Quinlan, J Ghosh, Q Yang, H Motoda, ...
Knowledge and information systems 14, 1-37, 2008
A Comparison of Document Clustering Techniques
M Steinbach
Technical Report# 00_034/University of Minnesota, 2000
Theory-guided data science: A new paradigm for scientific discovery from data
A Karpatne, G Atluri, JH Faghmous, M Steinbach, A Banerjee, A Ganguly, ...
IEEE Transactions on knowledge and data engineering 29 (10), 2318-2331, 2017
Customer relationship management
V Kumar, W Reinartz
Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2006, 2012, 2018, 2018
Finding clusters of different sizes, shapes, and densities in noisy, high dimensional data
L Ertöz, M Steinbach, V Kumar
Proceedings of the 2003 SIAM international conference on data mining, 47-58, 2003
Data mining cluster analysis: basic concepts and algorithms
PN Tan, M Steinbach, V Kumar
Introduction to data mining 487, 533, 2013
The challenges of clustering high dimensional data
M Steinbach, L Ertöz, V Kumar
New directions in statistical physics: econophysics, bioinformatics, and …, 2004
Integrating physics-based modeling with machine learning: A survey
J Willard, X Jia, S Xu, M Steinbach, V Kumar
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.04919 1 (1), 1-34, 2020
Integrating scientific knowledge with machine learning for engineering and environmental systems
J Willard, X Jia, S Xu, M Steinbach, V Kumar
ACM Computing Surveys 55 (4), 1-37, 2022
Mining electronic health records (EHRs) A survey
P Yadav, M Steinbach, V Kumar, G Simon
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 50 (6), 1-40, 2018
Enhancing data analysis with noise removal
H Xiong, G Pandey, M Steinbach, V Kumar
IEEE transactions on knowledge and data engineering 18 (3), 304-319, 2006
A new shared nearest neighbor clustering algorithm and its applications
L Ertoz, M Steinbach, V Kumar
Workshop on clustering high dimensional data and its applications at 2nd …, 2002
Process‐guided deep learning predictions of lake water temperature
JS Read, X Jia, J Willard, AP Appling, JA Zwart, SK Oliver, A Karpatne, ...
Water Resources Research 55 (11), 9173-9190, 2019
Physics guided RNNs for modeling dynamical systems: A case study in simulating lake temperature profiles
X Jia, J Willard, A Karpatne, J Read, J Zwart, M Steinbach, V Kumar
Proceedings of the 2019 SIAM international conference on data mining, 558-566, 2019
Introdução ao datamining: mineração de dados
PN Tan, M Steinbach, V Kumar
Ciência Moderna, 2009
Physics-guided machine learning for scientific discovery: An application in simulating lake temperature profiles
X Jia, J Willard, A Karpatne, JS Read, JA Zwart, M Steinbach, V Kumar
ACM/IMS Transactions on Data Science 2 (3), 1-26, 2021
Classification: basic concepts, decision trees, and model evaluation
PN Tan, M Steinbach, V Kumar
Introduction to data mining 1, 145-205, 2006
Delay within the 3-hour surviving sepsis campaign guideline on mortality for patients with severe sepsis and septic shock
L Pruinelli, BL Westra, P Yadav, A Hoff, M Steinbach, V Kumar, ...
Critical care medicine 46 (4), 500-505, 2018
An introduction to data mining
DT Larose
Traduction et adaptation de Thierry Vallaud, 23, 2005
Computational approaches for protein function prediction: A survey
G Pandey, V Kumar, M Steinbach
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Articles 1–20