Corentin Burnay
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What stakeholders will or will not say: A theoretical and empirical study of topic importance in Requirements Engineering elicitation interviews
C Burnay, IJ Jureta, S Faulkner
Information Systems 46, 61-81, 2014
Supporting policy-making with social media and e-participation platforms data: A policy analytics framework
A Simonofski, J Fink, C Burnay
Government Information Quarterly 38 (3), 101590, 2021
Stimulating stakeholders' imagination: New creativity triggers for eliciting novel requirements
C Burnay, J Horkoff, N Maiden
2016 IEEE 24th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), 36-45, 2016
B-MERODE: a model-driven engineering and artifact-centric approach to generate blockchain-based information systems
V Amaral de Sousa, C Burnay, M Snoeck
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 32nd International Conference …, 2020
A framework for the operationalization of monitoring in business intelligence requirements engineering
C Burnay, IJ Jureta, I Linden, S Faulkner
Software & Systems Modeling 15, 531-552, 2016
Data visualization for decision-making: an important issue
C Burnay, F Dargam, P Zarate
Operational Research 19, 853-855, 2019
Towards an integrated methodology for the development of blockchain-based solutions supporting cross-organizational processes
VA De Sousa, B Corentin
2019 13th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information …, 2019
Are stakeholders the only source of information for requirements engineers? Toward a taxonomy of elicitation information sources
C Burnay
ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (TMIS) 7 (3), 1-29, 2016
MDE4BBIS: a framework to incorporate model-driven engineering in the development of blockchain-based information systems
VA de Sousa, C Burnay
2021 Third International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications …, 2021
An exploratory study of topic importance in requirements elicitation interviews
C Burnay, IJ Jureta, S Faulkner
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 26th International Conference …, 2014
User-experience in business intelligence-a quality construct and model to design supportive BI dashboards
C Burnay, S Bouraga, S Faulkner, I Jureta
Research Challenges in Information Science: 14th International Conference …, 2020
Requirements elicitation for applications running on a blockchain: Preliminary results
S Bouraga, C Burnay, I Jureta, S Faulkner
International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 38-46, 2021
Context Factors: What they are and why they matter for Requirements Problems
C Burnay, IJ Jureta, S Faulkner
Proc. 25th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge …, 2013
Creativity triggers: extension and empirical evaluation of their effectiveness during requirements elicitation
B Giunta, C Burnay, N Maiden, S Faulkner
Journal of Systems and Software 191, 111365, 2022
Analyticgraph. com: Toward next generation requirements modeling and reasoning tools
J Gillain, C Burnay, I Jureta, S Faulkner
2016 IEEE 24th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), 341-346, 2016
On the definition of self-service systems
C Burnay, J Gillain, IJ Jureta, S Faulkner
Advances in Conceptual Modeling: ER 2014 Workshops, ENMO, MoBiD, MReBA, QMMQ …, 2014
Les masques du droit en Afrique: Une lecture européenne des sources de la norme
X Dijon
Revue de droit international et de droit comparé, 569-601, 2009
How to build data-driven Strategy Maps? A methodological framework proposition
L Pirnay, C Burnay
Data & Knowledge Engineering 139, 102019, 2022
Data-Driven Strategy Maps: A Hybrid Approach to Strategic and Performance Management Combining Hard Data and Experts' Knowledge.
L Pirnay
CAiSE (Doctoral Consortium), 59-68, 2021
What lies behind requirements? A quality assessment of statement grounds in requirements elicitation
C Burnay, S Bouraga, J Gillain, IJ Jureta
Software Quality Journal 28, 1615-1643, 2020
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