Nikhilesh Natraj
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Cited by
One hand, two objects: Emergence of affordance in contexts
AM Borghi, A Flumini, N Natraj, LA Wheaton
Brain and cognition 80 (1), 64-73, 2012
Plug-and-play control of a brain–computer interface through neural map stabilization
DB Silversmith*, R Abiri*, NF Hardy*, N Natraj*, A Tu-Chan, EF Chang, ...
Nature biotechnology 39 (3), 326-335, 2021
Context and hand posture modulate the neural dynamics of tool–object perception
N Natraj, V Poole, JC Mizelle, A Flumini, AM Borghi, LA Wheaton
Neuropsychologia 51 (3), 506-519, 2013
Effects of somatosensory electrical stimulation on motor function and cortical oscillations
AP Tu-Chan, N Natraj, J Godlove, G Abrams, K Ganguly
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 14, 1-9, 2017
The visual encoding of tool–object affordances
N Natraj, YM Pella, AM Borghi, LA Wheaton
Neuroscience 310, 512-527, 2015
Compartmentalized dynamics within a common multi-area mesoscale manifold represent a repertoire of human hand movements
N Natraj, DB Silversmith, EF Chang, K Ganguly
Neuron 110 (1), 154-174. e12, 2022
Methods and apparatuses for improving peripheral nerve function
K Ganguly, A Tsu, N Natraj, GP Howles-banerji, R Doshi, ...
US Patent 11,285,321, 2022
Emergence of perceptuomotor relationships during paleolithic stone toolmaking learning: intersections of observation and practice
KYT Bayani, N Natraj, N Khresdish, J Pargeter, D Stout, LA Wheaton
Communications Biology 4 (1), 1278, 2021
Coelectrodeposited solder composite films for advanced thermal interface materials
PM Raj, PR Gangidi, N Nataraj, N Kumbhat, GC Jha, R Tummala, N Brese
IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology 3 (6 …, 2013
X2T: Training an x-to-text typing interface with online learning from user feedback
J Gao, S Reddy, G Berseth, N Hardy, N Natraj, K Ganguly, AD Dragan, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.02072, 2022
The Role of Attention and Saccades on Parietofrontal Encoding of Contextual and Grasp-specific Affordances of Tools: An ERP Study
N Natraj, B Alterman*, S Basunia*, LA Wheaton
Neuroscience 394, 243-266, 2018
Co-electrodeposited graphite and diamond-loaded solder nanocomposites as thermal interface materials
GP Reddy, PM Raj, N Nataraj, PM Rajesh, G Jha, A Choudhury, ...
2010 Proceedings 60th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC …, 2010
Shaping reality through mental rehearsal
N Natraj, K Ganguly
Neuron 97 (5), 998-1000, 2018
Sleep spindles favor emotion regulation over memory consolidation of stressors in posttraumatic stress disorder
N Natraj, TC Neylan, LM Yack, TJ Metzler, SH Woodward, SQ Hubachek, ...
Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging 8 (9), 899-908, 2023
Sleep spindles, stress and PTSD: The state of the science and future directions
N Natraj, A Richards
Neurobiology of Stress 23, 100516, 2023
Flexible regulation of representations on a drifting manifold enables long-term stable complex neuroprosthetic control
N Natraj, S Seko, R Abiri, H Yan, Y Graham, A Tu-Chan, EF Chang, ...
bioRxiv, 2023
Sleep spindles favor emotion regulation over memory consolidation of stressors in PTSD
N Natraj, TC Neylan, LM Yack, TJ Metzler, SH Woodward, SQ Hubachek, ...
bioRxiv, 2022.03. 29.485950, 2022
Flexible constraint hierarchy during the visual encoding of tool‐object interactions
KYT Bayani, N Natraj, MK Gale, D Temples, N Atawala, LA Wheaton
European Journal of Neuroscience 54 (7), 6520-6532, 2021
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Articles 1–18