Zoë Wood
Zoë Wood
Professor of Computer Science, Cal Poly
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Multi-chart geometry images
PV Sander, ZJ Wood, S Gortler, J Snyder, H Hoppe
Eurographics Association/Association for Computing Machinery, 2003
Removing excess topology from isosurfaces
Z Wood, H Hoppe, M Desbrun, P Schröder
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 23 (2), 190-208, 2004
Topological noise removal
I Guskov, ZJ Wood
2001 Graphics Interface Proceedings: Ottawa, Canada, 19, 2001
Semi-regular mesh extraction from volumes
ZJ Wood, M Desbrun, P Schroder, D Breen
Proceedings Visualization 2000. VIS 2000 (Cat. No. 00CH37145), 275-282, 2000
Isosurface topology simplification
Z Wood, H Hoppe, M Desbrun, P Schröder
Microsoft Research MSR-TR-2002 28, 2002
Discrete shells origami
R Burgoon, ZJ Wood, E Grinspun
21st International Conference on Computers and their Applications (CATA 2006 …, 2006
Machine learning techniques for AUV side-scan sonar data feature extraction as applied to intelligent search for underwater archaeological sites
N Nayak, M Nara, T Gambin, Z Wood, CM Clark
Field and Service Robotics: Results of the 12th International Conference …, 2021
Mixed approaches to cs0: Exploring topic and pedagogy variance after six years of cs0
ZJ Wood, J Clements, Z Peterson, D Janzen, H Smith, M Haungs, ...
Proceedings of the 49th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science …, 2018
Multi‐AUV motion planning for archeological site mapping and photogrammetric reconstruction
J Wu, RC Bingham, S Ting, K Yager, ZJ Wood, T Gambin, CM Clark
Journal of Field Robotics 36 (7), 1250-1269, 2019
Computational topology algorithms for discrete 2-manifolds
ZJ Wood
California Institute of Technology, 2003
Intelligent shipwreck search using autonomous underwater vehicles
J Rutledge, W Yuan, J Wu, S Freed, A Lewis, Z Wood, T Gambin, C Clark
2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 6175-6182, 2018
AUV motion-planning for photogrammetric reconstruction of marine archaeological sites
VK Viswanathan, Z Lobo, J Lupanow, SS von Fock, Z Wood, T Gambin, ...
2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 5096-5103, 2017
Fakesbook: A social networking platform for teaching security and privacy concepts to secondary school students
M Zinkus, O Curry, M Moore, Z Peterson, ZJ Wood
Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science …, 2019
Energetically optimal travel across terrain: visualizations and a new metric of geographic distance with anthropological applications
BM Wood, ZJ Wood
Visualization and Data Analysis 2006 6060, 135-141, 2006
Computational art: Introducing high school students to computing via art
ZJ Wood, P Muhl, K Hicks
Proceedings of the 47th ACM Technical Symposium on Computing Science …, 2016
Energetically optimal travel across terrain: visualizations and a new metric of geographic distance with archaeological applications
BM Wood, ZJ Wood
SPIE Proceedings: San Jose, CA 6060, 2006
Mapping and visualizing ancient water storage systems with an ROV—An approach based on fusing stationary scans within a particle filter
W McVicker, J Forrester, T Gambin, J Lehr, ZJ Wood, CM Clark
2012 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO), 538-544, 2012
Surface reconstruction of maltese cisterns using rov sonar data for archeological study
C Forney, J Forrester, B Bagley, W McVicker, J White, T Smith, J Batryn, ...
Advances in Visual Computing: 7th International Symposium, ISVC 2011, Las …, 2011
Interactive unit cell visualization tool for crystal lattice structures
C Gruber, A James, JT Berchtold, ZJ Wood, GE Scott, Z Alghoul
Journal of Chemical Education 97 (7), 2020-2024, 2020
Cross teaching parallelism and ray tracing: a project-based approach to teaching applied parallel computing
C Lupo, ZJ Wood, C Victorino
Proceedings of the 43rd ACM technical symposium on Computer Science …, 2012
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Articles 1–20