Zuhaitz Beloki
Zuhaitz Beloki
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Cited by
Big data for Natural Language Processing: A streaming approach
R Agerri, X Artola, Z Beloki, G Rigau, A Soroa
Knowledge-Based Systems 79, 36-42, 2015
NAF and GAF: Linking linguistic annotations
A Fokkens, A Soroa, Z Beloki, N Ockeloen, G Rigau, WR Van Hage, ...
Proceedings 10th Joint ISO-ACL SIGSEM Workshop on Interoperable Semantic …, 2014
A stream computing approach towards scalable NLP.
X Artola, Z Beloki, A Soroa
LREC, 8-13, 2014
Event detection, version 3
R Agerri, I Aldabe, Z Beloki, E Laparra, ML de Lacalle, G Rigau, A Soroa, ...
NewsReader Deliverable 4 (2), 2015
Two architectures for parallel processing of huge amounts of text
M Kattenberg, Z Beloki, A Soroa, X Artola, A Fokkens, P Huygen, ...
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and …, 2016
Newsreader project
R Agerri, E Agirre, I Aldabe, B Altuna, Z Beloki, E Laparra, ML De Lacalle, ...
Procesamiento del lenguaje natural 53, 155-158, 2014
Naf: the nlp annotation format
A Fokkens, A Soroa, Z Beloki, G Rigau, WR van Hage, P Vossen, ...
NWR-2014-3. VU University Amsterdam, 2014
Grammatical Error Correction for Basque through a seq2seq neural architecture and synthetic examples
Z Beloki, X Saralegi, K Ceberio, A Corral
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 65, 13-20, 2020
A scalable architecture for data-intensive natural language processing
Z Beloki, X Artola, A Soroa
Natural Language Engineering 23 (5), 709-731, 2017
Event detection, version 2 deliverable 4.2. 2
R Agerri, I Aldabe, Z Beloki, E Laparra, ML de Lacalle, G Rigau, A Soroa, ...
Deliverable, NewsReader Project, 2014
Morfeus+: Word parsing in Basque beyond morphological segmentation
I Aduriz, JM Arriola, X Artola, Z Beloki, N Ezeiza, K Gojenola
Word Structure 13 (3), 283-315, 2020
NewsReader project
P NewsReader, R Agerri, E Agirre, I Aldabe, B Altuna, Z Beloki, E Laparra, ...
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 53, 155-158, 2014
11. Euskarazko prentsaren narratibaren ardatz geografikoak aztertzen testuen meatzaritza eta Wikidata uztartuz
Z Beloki, XS Urizar
Behategia: Euskal Hedabideen Urtekaria 2019, 183-202, 2019
ASKHi: Analisi sintaktiko konputazional hibridoa paradigma desberdinen konbinazioan oinarrituta
IG Azkarate, A Soraluze, Z Beloki, B Altuna, S Santiso, J Alkorta, ...
Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU, 2019
Integrazioa hizkuntzaren prozesamenduan. Anotazio-eskemak eta elkarreragingarritasuna. Testuen prozesatze masiboa, datu handien teknikak erabiliz
Z Beloki Leitza
Interoperability of Annotation Schemes: Using the Pepper framework to display AWA documents in the ANNIS interface
T Carlotto, Z Beloki, X Artola, A Soroa
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and …, 2016
Testu kopuru handiak prozesatzeko big data teknikak
Z Beloki, X Artola, A Soroa
I. IkergazteNazioarteko ikerketa euskaraz. Kongresuko artikulu-bilduma …, 2015
NewsReader project
R Urizar, R Agerri, E Agirre, I Aldabe, B Altuna, Z Beloki, E Laparra, ...
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 155-158, 2014
Using Stream Computing Techniques to Process Big Quantities of Textual Information
X Artola, Z Beloki, A Soroa
Int. J. Comput. Sci. Theor. App 2 (2), 12-22, 2014
NAF: the NLP Annotation Framework
AS Fokkens, A Soroa, Z Beloki, G Rigau, W van Hage, P Vossen
Vrije Universiteit, 2014
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Articles 1–20