Marian N. Ruderman
Marian N. Ruderman
Center for Creative Leadership
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The role of procedural and distributive justice in organizational behavior
S Alexander, M Ruderman
Social justice research 1, 177-198, 1987
Benefits of multiple roles for managerial women
MN Ruderman, PJ Ohlott, K Panzer, SN King
Academy of management Journal 45 (2), 369-386, 2002
Assessing the developmental components of managerial jobs.
CD McCauley, MN Ruderman, PJ Ohlott, JE Morrow
Journal of applied psychology 79 (4), 544, 1994
Work–nonwork boundary management profiles: A person-centered approach
EE Kossek, MN Ruderman, PW Braddy, KM Hannum
Journal of vocational behavior 81 (1), 112-128, 2012
Gender differences in managers' developmental job experiences
PJ Ohlott, MN Ruderman, CD McCauley
Academy of management Journal 37 (1), 46-67, 1994
Diversity in work teams: Research paradigms for a changing workplace
SE Jackson
American Psychological Association, 1995
Commitment to family roles: Effects on managers' attitudes and performance.
LM Graves, PJ Ohlott, MN Ruderman
Journal of applied psychology 92 (1), 44, 2007
Introduction: Our view of leadership development
CD McCauley, E Van Velsor, MN Ruderman
The Center for Creative Leadership handbook of leadership development 3, 1-28, 2010
The center for creative leadership handbook of leadership development
E Van Velsor, CD McCauley, MN Ruderman
John Wiley & Sons, 2010
Explanations of success and derailment in upper-level management positions
MM Lombardo, MN Ruderman, CD McCauley
Journal of Business and Psychology 2, 199-216, 1988
Driven to work and enjoyment of work: Effects on managers’ outcomes
LM Graves, MN Ruderman, PJ Ohlott, TJ Weber
Journal of Management 38 (5), 1655-1680, 2012
The challenge of leading on unstable ground: Triggers that activate social identity faultlines
D Chrobot-Mason, MN Ruderman, TJ Weber, C Ernst
Human Relations 62 (11), 1763-1794, 2009
Leadership in a diverse workplace
D Chrobot-Mason, MN Ruderman, L Nishii
Motivation at work: Which matters more, generation or managerial level?
JJ Deal, S Stawiski, L Graves, WA Gentry, TJ Weber, M Ruderman
Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 65 (1), 1, 2013
Standing at the crossroads: Next steps for high-achieving women
MN Ruderman, PJ Ohlott
Jossey-Bass Inc., Publishers, 2002
Developing from job experiences: The role of organization‐based self‐esteem
S Brutus, MN Ruderman, PJ Ohlott, CD Mccauley
Human Resource Development Quarterly 11 (4), 367-380, 2000
Managerial motivational profiles: Composition, antecedents, and consequences
LM Graves, KL Cullen, HF Lester, MN Ruderman, WA Gentry
Journal of Vocational Behavior 87, 32-42, 2015
Illuminating a cross-cultural leadership challenge: When identity groups collide
D Chrobot-Mason, MN Ruderman, TJ Weber, PJ Ohlott, MA Dalton
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 18 (11), 2011-2036, 2007
Promotion decisions as a diversity practice
MN Ruderman, PJ Ohlott, KE Kram
Journal of Management Development 14 (2), 6-23, 1995
Making the connection leadership skills and emotional intelligence
MN Ruderman, K Hannum, JB Leslie, JL Steed
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Articles 1–20