Anthony Ong
Anthony Ong
Professor of Psychology, Cornell University
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Conceptualization and measurement of ethnic identity: Current status and future directions.
JS Phinney, AD Ong
Journal of counseling Psychology 54 (3), 271, 2007
Psychological resilience, positive emotions, and successful adaptation to stress in later life.
AD Ong, CS Bergeman, TL Bisconti, KA Wallace
Journal of personality and social psychology 91 (4), 730, 2006
Cultural values and intergenerational value discrepancies in immigrant and non‐immigrant families
JS Phinney, A Ong, T Madden
Child development 71 (2), 528-539, 2000
Loneliness and health in older adults: A mini-review and synthesis
AD Ong, BN Uchino, E Wethington
Gerontology 62 (4), 443-449, 2016
Racial microaggressions and daily well-being among Asian Americans.
AD Ong, AL Burrow, TE Fuller-Rowell, NM Ja, DW Sue
Journal of counseling psychology 60 (2), 188, 2013
Resilience comes of age: Defining features in later adulthood
AD Ong, CS Bergeman, SM Boker
Journal of personality 77 (6), 1777-1804, 2009
The Impact of Anonymity on Responses to Sensitive Questions1
AD Ong, DJ Weiss
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 30 (8), 1691-1708, 2000
Loneliness before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review with meta-analysis.
M Ernst, D Niederer, AM Werner, SJ Czaja, C Mikton, AD Ong, T Rosen, ...
American Psychologist 77 (5), 660, 2022
A daily diary investigation of Latino ethnic identity, discrimination, and depression.
L Torres, AD Ong
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology 16 (4), 561, 2010
Hope as a source of resilience in later adulthood
AD Ong, LM Edwards, CS Bergeman
Personality and individual differences 41 (7), 1263-1273, 2006
Competence under challenge: Exploring the protective influence of parental support and ethnic identity in Latino college students
AD Ong, JS Phinney, J Dennis
Journal of adolescence 29 (6), 961-979, 2006
Psychological resilience predicts decreases in pain catastrophizing through positive emotions.
AD Ong, AJ Zautra, MC Reid
Psychology and aging 25 (3), 516, 2010
Racial discrimination and the stress process.
AD Ong, T Fuller-Rowell, AL Burrow
Journal of personality and social psychology 96 (6), 1259, 2009
Oxford handbook of methods in positive psychology
AD Ong, MHM Van Dulmen
Oxford University Press, 2006
A primer on inverse probability of treatment weighting and marginal structural models
F Thoemmes, AD Ong
Emerging Adulthood 4 (1), 40-59, 2016
The complexity of emotions in later life
AD Ong, CS Bergeman
The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social …, 2004
Affective reactivity to daily stressors is associated with elevated inflammation.
NL Sin, JE Graham-Engeland, AD Ong, DM Almeida
Health Psychology 34 (12), 1154, 2015
Cardiovascular intraindividual variability in later life: the influence of social connectedness and positive emotions.
AD Ong, JC Allaire
Psychology and aging 20 (3), 476, 2005
Purpose in life predicts allostatic load ten years later
S Zilioli, RB Slatcher, AD Ong, TL Gruenewald
Journal of psychosomatic research 79 (5), 451-457, 2015
Poverty and health: The mediating role of perceived discrimination
TE Fuller-Rowell, GW Evans, AD Ong
Psychological science 23 (7), 734-739, 2012
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Articles 1–20