Patricio Cumsille
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Cited by
Beyond Nintendo: design and assessment of educational video games for first and second grade students
R Rosas, M Nussbaum, P Cumsille, V Marianov, M Correa, P Flores, ...
Computers & Education 40 (1), 71-94, 2003
Methods for handling missing data
JW Graham, PE Cumsille, E Elek‐Fisk
Handbook of psychology, 87-114, 2003
Planned missing data designs in psychological research.
JW Graham, BJ Taylor, AE Olchowski, PE Cumsille
Psychological methods 11 (4), 323, 2006
School and community climates and civic commitments: Patterns for ethnic minority and majority students.
CA Flanagan, P Cumsille, S Gill, LS Gallay
Journal of educational psychology 99 (2), 421, 2007
Predictors of adolescents’ disclosure to parents and perceived parental knowledge: Between-and within-person differences
N Darling, P Cumsille, LL Caldwell, B Dowdy
Journal of youth and Adolescence 35, 659-670, 2006
Family cohesion, family adaptability, social support, and adolescent depressive symptoms in outpatient clinic families.
PE Cumsille, N Epstein
Journal of family psychology 8 (2), 202, 1994
Individual differences in adolescents’ beliefs about the legitimacy of parental authority and their own obligation to obey: A longitudinal investigation
N Darling, P Cumsille, ML Martínez
Child development 79 (4), 1103-1118, 2008
Second-order latent growth models.
AG Sayer, PE Cumsille
American Psychological Association, 2001
Sibling differentiation: Sibling and parent relationship trajectories in adolescence
ME Feinberg, SM McHale, AC Crouter, P Cumsille
Child development 74 (5), 1261-1274, 2003
Exploring adolescent self-defining leisure activities and identity experiences across three countries
JD Coatsworth, EH Sharp, LA Palen, N Darling, P Cumsille, E Marta
International Journal of behavioral development 29 (5), 361-370, 2005
Adolescents’ as active agents in the socialization process: Legitimacy of parental authority and obligation to obey as predictors of obedience
N Darling, P Cumsille, ML Martínez
Journal of adolescence 30 (2), 297-311, 2007
Gender differences in the self-defining activities and identity experiences of adolescents and emerging adults
EH Sharp, JD Coatsworth, N Darling, P Cumsille, S Ranieri
Journal of Adolescence 30 (2), 251-269, 2007
Theory, measurement, and methods in the study of family influences on adolescent smoking
N Darling, P Cumsille
Addiction 98, 21-36, 2003
Rules, legitimacy of parental authority, and obligation to obey in Chile, the Philippines, and the United States
N Darling, P Cumsille, L Peña‐Alampay
New directions for child and adolescent development 2005 (108), 47-60, 2005
Ethnic awareness, prejudice, and civic commitments in four ethnic groups of American adolescents
CA Flanagan, AK Syvertsen, S Gill, LS Gallay, P Cumsille
Journal of youth and adolescence 38, 500-518, 2009
Shading the truth: The patterning of adolescents' decisions to avoid issues, disclose, or lie to parents
P Cumsille, N Darling, ML Martínez
Journal of adolescence 33 (2), 285-296, 2010
Perceived exposure to peer and adult drinking as predictors of growth in positive alcohol expectancies during adolescence.
PE Cumsille, AG Sayer, JW Graham
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 68 (3), 531, 2000
Estandarización de la Escala Wechsler de Inteligencia para Adultos: cuarta edición en Chile
R Rosas, M Tenorio, M Pizarro, P Cumsille, A Bosch, S Arancibia, ...
Psykhe (Santiago) 23 (1), 1-18, 2014
Modeling prevention program effects on growth in substance use: Analysis of five years of data from the Adolescent Alcohol Prevention Trial
BJ Taylor, JW Graham, P Cumsille, WB Hansen
Prevention Science 1, 183-197, 2000
Selecting a child care center: What really matters to parents?
LA Leslie, R Ettenson, P Cumsille
Child and Youth Care Forum 29, 299-322, 2000
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Articles 1–20