George Y Bizer
George Y Bizer
Professor and Chair of Psychology, Union College
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Self-schema matching and attitude change: Situational and dispositional determinants of message elaboration
SC Wheeler, RE Petty, GY Bizer
Journal of Consumer Research 31 (4), 787-797, 2005
Exploring the latent structure of strength‐related attitude attributes
PS Visser, GY Bizer, JA Krosnick
Advances in experimental social psychology 38, 1-67, 2006
Exploring the structure of strength-related attitude features: The relation between attitude importance and attitude accessibility.
GY Bizer, JA Krosnick
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 81 (4), 566, 2001
Memory-based versus on-line processing: Implications for attitude strength
GY Bizer, ZL Tormala, DD Rucker, RE Petty
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 42 (5), 646-653, 2006
Exploring the valence‐framing effect: Negative framing enhances attitude strength
GY Bizer, JT Larsen, RE Petty
Political psychology 32 (1), 59-80, 2011
Attachment theory as a framework for explaining engagement with Facebook
J Hart, E Nailling, GY Bizer, CK Collins
Personality and Individual Differences 77, 33-40, 2015
Direct evidence of ending‐digit drop‐off in price information processing
GY Bizer, RM Schindler
Psychology & Marketing 22 (10), 771-783, 2005
The impact of personality on cognitive, behavioral, and affective political processes: The effects of need to evaluate
GY Bizer, JA Krosnick, AL Holbrook, S Christian Wheeler, DD Rucker, ...
Journal of personality 72 (5), 995-1028, 2004
Attitude functions and persuasion: An elaboration likelihood approach to matched versus mismatched messages
RE Petty, SC Wheeler, GY Bizer
Why we evaluate: Functions of attitudes, 133-162, 2000
How we conceptualize our attitudes matters: The effects of valence framing on the resistance of political attitudes
GY Bizer, RE Petty
Political Psychology 26 (4), 553-568, 2005
Is there one persuasion process or more? Lumping versus splitting in attitude change theories
RE Petty, SC Wheeler, GY Bizer
Psychological Inquiry 10 (2), 156-163, 1999
GY Bizer, JC Barden, RE Petty
Encyclopedia of cognitive science, 2006
Belief in a just world and social dominance orientation: Evidence for a mediational pathway predicting negative attitudes and discrimination against individuals with mental illness
GY Bizer, J Hart, AM Jekogian
Personality and individual differences 52 (3), 428-432, 2012
Negative feedback and performance: The moderating effect of emotion regulation
JN Raftery, GY Bizer
Personality and Individual Differences 47 (5), 481-486, 2009
Need for cognition and need to evaluate in the 1998 National Election Survey Pilot Study
GY Bizer, JA Krosnick, RE Petty, DD Rucker, SC Wheeler
National election studies report, 2000
Matching effects in persuasion: An elaboration likelihood analysis
RE Petty, SC Wheeler, G Bizer
Why we evaluate: Functions of attitudes, 133-162, 2000
The persuasiveness of the straw man rhetorical technique
GY Bizer, SM Kozak, LA Holterman
Social Influence 4 (3), 216-230, 2009
The social-norm espousal scale
GY Bizer, RA Magin, MR Levine
Personality and individual differences 58, 106-111, 2014
Importance, knowledge, and accessibility: Exploring the dimensionality of strength-related attitude properties
GY Bizer, PS Visser, MK Berent, JA Krosnick
Studies in public opinion: Attitudes, nonattitudes, measurement error, and …, 2004
The effects of immediate forewarning of test difficulty on test performance
CJ Weber, GY Bizer
The Journal of general psychology 133 (3), 277-285, 2006
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Articles 1–20