David Fouhey
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Learning a predictable and generative vector representation for objects
R Girdhar, DF Fouhey, M Rodriguez, A Gupta
European Conference on Computer Vision, 484-499, 2016
Designing deep networks for surface normal estimation
X Wang, D Fouhey, A Gupta
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2015
Understanding Human Hands in Contact at Internet Scale
D Shan, J Geng, M Shu, DF Fouhey
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2020
Cross-task weakly supervised learning from instructional videos
D Zhukov, JB Alayrac, RG Cinbis, D Fouhey, I Laptev, J Sivic
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2019
Data-driven 3D primitives for single image understanding
DF Fouhey, A Gupta, M Hebert
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision, 3392-3399, 2013
Representative elementary volume estimation for porosity, moisture saturation, and air‐water interfacial areas in unsaturated porous media: Data quality implications
MS Costanza‐Robinson, BD Estabrook, DF Fouhey
Water Resources Research 47 (7), 2011
People watching: Human actions as a cue for single view geometry
DF Fouhey, V Delaitre, A Gupta, AA Efros, I Laptev, J Sivic
Computer Vision–ECCV 2012, 732-745, 2012
From lifestyle vlogs to everyday interactions
DF Fouhey, W Kuo, AA Efros, J Malik
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2018
Factoring shape, pose, and layout from the 2D image of a 3D scene
S Tulsiani, S Gupta, D Fouhey, AA Efros, J Malik
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2018
Scene semantics from long-term observation of people
V Delaitre, DF Fouhey, I Laptev, J Sivic, A Gupta, AA Efros
European Conference on Computer Vision, 284-298, 2012
Unfolding an indoor origami world
DF Fouhey, A Gupta, M Hebert
European Conference on Computer Vision, 687-702, 2014
Articulation-aware Canonical Surface Mapping
N Kulkarni, A Gupta, DF Fouhey, S Tulsiani
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2020
Predicting object dynamics in scenes
DF Fouhey, CL Zitnick
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2014 IEEE Conference on …, 2014
Unifying Map and Landmark Based Representations for Visual Navigation
S Gupta, D Fouhey, S Levine, J Malik
arXiv preprint arXiv:1712.08125, 2017
A Machine-learning Data Set Prepared from the NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory Mission
R Galvez, DF Fouhey, M Jin, A Szenicer, A Muñoz-Jaramillo, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 242 (1), 7, 2019
Epic-kitchens visor benchmark: Video segmentations and object relations
A Darkhalil, D Shan, B Zhu, J Ma, A Kar, R Higgins, S Fidler, D Fouhey, ...
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 13745-13758, 2022
PixelSynth: Generating a 3D-Consistent Experience from a Single Image
C Rockwell, DF Fouhey, J Johnson
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2021
Multiple plane detection in image pairs using J-linkage
DF Fouhey, D Scharstein, AJ Briggs
2010 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 336-339, 2010
Visual memory for robust path following
A Kumar, S Gupta, D Fouhey, S Levine, J Malik
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 765-774, 2018
Full-body awareness from partial observations
C Rockwell, DF Fouhey
Computer Vision–ECCV 2020: 16th European Conference, Glasgow, UK, August 23 …, 2020
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