John Papay
John Papay
Assistant Professor of Education and Economics, Brown University
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Cited by
How context matters in high-need schools: The effects of teachers’ working conditions on their professional satisfaction and their students’ achievement
SM Johnson, MA Kraft, JP Papay
Teachers college record 114 (10), 1-39, 2012
Can professional environments in schools promote teacher development? Explaining heterogeneity in returns to teaching experience
MA Kraft, JP Papay
Educational evaluation and policy analysis 36 (4), 476-500, 2014
Productivity returns to experience in the teacher labor market: Methodological challenges and new evidence on long-term career improvement
JP Papay, MA Kraft
Journal of Public Economics 130, 105-119, 2015
The challenge of teacher retention in urban schools: Evidence of variation from a cross-site analysis
JP Papay, A Bacher-Hicks, LC Page, WH Marinell
Educational Researcher 46 (8), 434-448, 2017
Different tests, different answers: The stability of teacher value-added estimates across outcome measures
JP Papay
American Educational Research Journal 48 (1), 163-193, 2011
Refocusing the debate: Assessing the purposes and tools of teacher evaluation
J Papay
Harvard Educational Review 82 (1), 123-141, 2012
Educating amid uncertainty: The organizational supports teachers need to serve students in high-poverty, urban schools
MA Kraft, JP Papay, SM Johnson, M Charner-Laird, M Ng, S Reinhorn
Educational Administration Quarterly 51 (5), 753-790, 2015
Learning job skills from colleagues at work: Evidence from a field experiment using teacher performance data
JP Papay, ES Taylor, JH Tyler, ME Laski
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 12 (1), 359-388, 2020
Does an urban teacher residency increase student achievement? Early evidence from Boston
JP Papay, MR West, JB Fullerton, TJ Kane
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 34 (4), 413-434, 2012
Extending the regression-discontinuity approach to multiple assignment variables
JP Papay, JB Willett, RJ Murnane
Journal of Econometrics 161 (2), 203-207, 2011
The consequences of high school exit examinations for low-performing urban students: Evidence from Massachusetts
JP Papay, RJ Murnane, JB Willett
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 32 (1), 5-23, 2010
Teachers' views on no child left behind: Support for the principles, concerns about the practices
RJ Murnane, JP Papay
Journal of Economic perspectives 24 (3), 151-166, 2010
The impact of test score labels on human-capital investment decisions
JP Papay, RJ Murnane, JB Willett
Journal of Human Resources 51 (2), 357-388, 2016
The productivity costs of inefficient hiring practices: Evidence from late teacher hiring
JP Papay, MA Kraft
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 35 (4), 791-817, 2016
Ready to lead, but how? Teachers’ experiences in high-poverty urban schools
SM Johnson, S Reinhorn, M Charner-Laird, M Kraft, M Ng, JP Papay
Teachers College Record 116 (10), 1-50, 2014
Teacher evaluation for accountability and development
ML Donaldson, JP Papay
Handbook of research in education finance and policy, 174-193, 2014
Is PAR a good investment? Understanding the costs and benefits of teacher peer assistance and review programs
JP Papay, SM Johnson
Educational Policy 26 (5), 696-729, 2012
Leading the local: Teachers union presidents chart their own course
SM Johnson, ML Donaldson, MS Munger, JP Papay, EK Qazilbash
Peabody Journal of Education 84 (3), 374-393, 2009
Redesigning teacher pay: A system for the next generation of educators
SM Johnson, JP Papay
Economic Policy Institute, 2009
Teacher skill development: Evidence from performance ratings by principals
MA Kraft, JP Papay, OL Chi
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 39 (2), 315-347, 2020
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Articles 1–20