Claudio Burgos Mellado
Claudio Burgos Mellado
Universidad de O'Higgins
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Distributed control strategies for microgrids: An overview
E Espina, J Llanos, C Burgos-Mellado, R Cardenas-Dobson, ...
IEEE Access 8, 193412-193448, 2020
Particle-filtering-based estimation of maximum available power state in Lithium-Ion batteries
C Burgos-Mellado, ME Orchard, M Kazerani, R Cárdenas, D Sáez
Applied Energy 161, 349-363, 2016
Fuzzy modelling for the state-of-charge estimation of lead-acid batteries
C Burgos, D Sáez, ME Orchard, R Cárdenas
Journal of Power Sources 274, 355-366, 2015
Distributed control strategy based on a consensus algorithm and on the conservative power theory for imbalance and harmonic sharing in 4-wire microgrids
C Burgos-Mellado, JJ Llanos, R Cárdenas, D Sáez, DE Olivares, ...
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 11 (2), 1604-1619, 2019
Experimental evaluation of a CPT-based four-leg active power compensator for distributed generation
C Burgos-Mellado, C Hernández-Carimán, R Cárdenas, D Sáez, ...
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 5 (2), 747-759, 2016
Cooperative regulation of imbalances in three-phase four-wire microgrids using single-phase droop control and secondary control algorithms
E Espina, R Cardenas-Dobson, M Espinoza-B, C Burgos-Mellado, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 35 (2), 1978-1992, 2019
A control algorithm based on the conservative power theory for cooperative sharing of imbalances in four-wire systems
C Burgos-Mellado, R Cárdenas, D Sáez, A Costabeber, M Sumner
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 34 (6), 5325-5339, 2018
Distributed predictive secondary control for imbalance sharing in AC microgrids
A Navas-Fonseca, C Burgos-Mellado, JS Gómez, F Donoso, L Tarisciotti, ...
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 13 (1), 20-37, 2021
Cyber-attacks in modular multilevel converters
C Burgos-Mellado, F Donoso, T Dragičević, R Cardenas-Dobson, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 37 (7), 8488-8501, 2022
Estimación del estado de carga para un banco de baterías basada en modelación difusa y filtro extendido de Kalman
CD Burgos Mellado
Universidad de Chile, 2013
Single-phase consensus-based control for regulating voltage and sharing unbalanced currents in 3-wire isolated AC microgrids
C Burgos-Mellado, J Llanos, E Espina, D Sáez, R Cárdenas, M Sumner, ...
IEEE Access 8, 164882-164898, 2020
Particle-filtering-based prognostics for the state of maximum power available in lithium-ion batteries at electromobility applications
C Díaz, V Quintero, A Pérez, F Jaramillo, C Burgos-Mellado, H Rozas, ...
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (7), 7187-7200, 2020
An overview of four-leg converters: Topologies, modulations, control and applications
F Rojas, R Cárdenas, C Burgos-Mellado, E Espina, J Pereda, C Pineda, ...
IEEE Access 10, 61277-61325, 2022
Small-signal modelling and stability assessment of phase-locked loops in weak grids
C Burgos-Mellado, A Costabeber, M Sumner, R Cárdenas-Dobson, ...
Energies 12 (7), 1227, 2019
Reinforcement learning-based method to exploit vulnerabilities of false data injection attack detectors in modular multilevel converters
C Burgos-Mellado, C Zuñiga-Bauerle, D Muñoz-Carpintero, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 38 (7), 8907-8921, 2023
Distributed model-based predictive secondary control for hybrid AC/DC microgrids
E Rute-Luengo, A Navas-Fonseca, JS Gómez, E Espina, ...
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 11 (1 …, 2022
Optimal ZCS modulation for bidirectional high-step-ratio modular multilevel DC–DC converter
C Pineda, J Pereda, F Rojas, G Droguett, C Burgos-Mellado, AJ Watson
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 36 (11), 12540-12550, 2021
Energy management system (EMS) based on model predictive control (MPC) for an isolated DC microgrid
JA Basantes, DE Paredes, JR Llanos, DE Ortiz, CD Burgos
Energies 16 (6), 2912, 2023
Enhanced control strategy based on virtual impedance loops to achieve the sharing of imbalance and harmonic in 3-phase 4-wire isolated microgrids
HK Morales-Paredes, DT Rodrigues, C Burgos-Mellado, JP Bonaldo
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 37 (4), 3412-3415, 2022
Distributed predictive secondary control for voltage restoration and economic dispatch of generation for DC microgrids
A Navas-Fonseca, C Burgos-Mellado, E Espina, E Rute, JS Gómez, ...
2021 IEEE Fourth International Conference on DC Microgrids (ICDCM), 1-6, 2021
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Articles 1–20