Joseph Workman
Joseph Workman
Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Missouri Kansas City
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Inequality in reading and math skills forms mainly before kindergarten: A replication, and partial correction, of “Are schools the great equalizer?”
PT Von Hippel, J Workman, DB Downey
Sociology of Education 91 (4), 323-357, 2018
From kindergarten through second grade, US children's obesity prevalence grows only during summer vacations
PT von Hippel, J Workman
Obesity 24 (11), 2296-2300, 2016
The (conditional) resource dilution model: State-and community-level modifications
BG Gibbs, J Workman, DB Downey
Demography 53, 723-748, 2016
Dropping out of high school: Effects of close and distant friendships
W Carbonaro, J Workman
Social science research 42 (5), 1254-1268, 2013
Gender achievement gaps: the role of social costs to trying hard in high school
J Workman, A Heyder
Social Psychology of Education 23 (6), 1407-1427, 2020
How much may COVID-19 school closures increase childhood obesity?
J Workman
Obesity 28 (10), 1787-1787, 2020
Intermediate peer contexts and educational outcomes: do the friends of students' friends matter?
W Carbonaro, J Workman
Social Science Research 58, 184-197, 2016
Sibling additions, resource dilution, and cognitive development during early childhood
J Workman
Journal of Marriage and Family 79 (2), 462-474, 2017
Socioeconomic, Racial, and Gender Gaps in Children's Social/Behavioral Skills: Do They Grow Faster in School or Out?
DB Downey, J Workman, P von Hippel
Sociological Science 6 (17), 446-466, 2017
The proportion of COVID-19 cases that are asymptomatic in South Korea: Comment on Nishiura et al.
J Workman
International Journal of Infectious Diseases 96, 398, 2020
Inequality begets inequality: Income inequality and socioeconomic achievement gradients across the United States
J Workman
Social Science Research 107, 102744, 2022
Income inequality and student achievement: Trends among US States (1992–2019)
J Workman
Educational Review 75 (5), 871-893, 2023
Findings on summer learning loss often fail to replicate, even in recent data
J Workman, PT von Hippel, J Merry
Sociological Science 10, 251-285, 2023
Social costs to trying hard in high school: Differences by race-ethnicity
J Workman
Social Science Research 92, 102484, 2020
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