Regularization of Grad’s 13 moment equations: Derivation and linear analysis H Struchtrup, M Torrilhon
Physics of Fluids 15 (9), 2668-2680, 2003
613 2003 Heliostat field optimization: A new computationally efficient model and biomimetic layout CJ Noone, M Torrilhon, A Mitsos
Solar Energy 86 (2), 792-803, 2012
402 2012 Regularized 13-moment equations: shock structure calculations and comparison to Burnett models M Torrilhon, H Struchtrup
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 513, 171-198, 2004
316 2004 Modeling nonequilibrium gas flow based on moment equations M Torrilhon
Annual review of fluid mechanics 48 (1), 429-458, 2016
242 2016 Boundary conditions for regularized 13-moment-equations for micro-channel-flows M Torrilhon, H Struchtrup
Journal of Computational Physics 227 (3), 1982-2011, 2008
215 2008 Compact third-order limiter functions for finite volume methods M Čada, M Torrilhon
Journal of Computational Physics 228 (11), 4118-4145, 2009
201 2009 Fokker–Planck model for computational studies of monatomic rarefied gas flows MH Gorji, M Torrilhon, P Jenny
Journal of fluid mechanics 680, 574-601, 2011
170 2011 A solution algorithm for the fluid dynamic equations based on a stochastic model for molecular motion P Jenny, M Torrilhon, S Heinz
Journal of computational physics 229 (4), 1077-1098, 2010
164 2010 Couette and Poiseuille microflows: Analytical solutions for regularized 13-moment equations P Taheri, M Torrilhon, H Struchtrup
Physics of Fluids 21 (1), 2009
147 2009 A robust numerical method for the R13 equations of rarefied gas dynamics: Application to lid driven cavity A Rana, M Torrilhon, H Struchtrup
Journal of Computational Physics 236, 169-186, 2013
129 2013 Theorem, Regularization, and Boundary Conditions for Linearized 13 Moment EquationsH Struchtrup, M Torrilhon
Physical review letters 99 (1), 014502, 2007
129 2007 Affordable robust moment closures for CFD based on the maximum-entropy hierarchy J McDonald, M Torrilhon
Journal of Computational Physics 251, 500-523, 2013
121 2013 Higher-order effects in rarefied channel flows H Struchtrup, M Torrilhon
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 78 (4 …, 2008
106 2008 Hyperbolic moment equations in kinetic gas theory based on multi-variate Pearson-IV-distributions M Torrilhon
Communications in Computational Physics 7 (4), 639, 2010
87 2010 Two-dimensional bulk microflow simulations based on regularized Grad’s 13-moment equations M Torrilhon
Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 5 (3), 695-728, 2006
84 2006 Locally divergence-preserving upwind finite volume schemes for magnetohydrodynamic equations M Torrilhon
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 26 (4), 1166-1191, 2005
82 2005 Uniqueness conditions for Riemann problems of ideal magnetohydrodynamics M Torrilhon
Journal of plasma physics 69 (3), 253-276, 2003
80 2003 Model reduction of kinetic equations by operator projection Y Fan, J Koellermeier, J Li, R Li, M Torrilhon
Journal of Statistical Physics 162, 457-486, 2016
71 2016 Application of time reverse modeling on ultrasonic non-destructive testing of concrete EH Saenger, GK Kocur, R Jud, M Torrilhon
Applied Mathematical Modelling 35 (2), 807-816, 2011
Kinetic & Related Models 7 (3), 2014
68 2014