Geoffrey Maruyama
Geoffrey Maruyama
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Effects of cooperative, competitive, and individualistic goal structures on achievement: A meta-analysis.
DW Johnson, G Maruyama, R Johnson, D Nelson, L Skon
Psychological bulletin 89 (1), 47, 1981
Basics of structural equation modeling
G Maruyama
Sage, 1997
Interdependence and interpersonal attraction among heterogeneous and homogeneous individuals: A theoretical formulation and a meta-analysis of the research
DW Johnson, RT Johnson, G Maruyama
Review of educational research 53 (1), 5-54, 1983
Time spent reading and reading growth
BM Taylor, BJ Frye, GM Maruyama
American Educational Research Journal 27 (2), 351-362, 1990
Speed of speech and persuasion.
N Miller, G Maruyama, RJ Beaber, K Valone
Journal of personality and social psychology 34 (4), 615, 1976
Joan McKay versus John McKay: Do gender stereotypes bias evaluations?
J Swim, E Borgida, G Maruyama, DG Myers
Psychological Bulletin 105 (3), 409, 1989
Attribution, affect, and college exam performance.
RM Arkin, GM Maruyama
Journal of Educational Psychology 71 (1), 85, 1979
Self-esteem and educational achievement: Independent constructs with a common cause?
GM Maruyama, RA Rubin, GG Kingsbury
Journal of personality and social psychology 40 (5), 962, 1981
Does diversity make a difference? Three research studies on diversity in college classrooms.
G Maruyama, JF Moreno, RH Gudeman, P Marin
For full text: http://www. acenet. edu, or http://www. aaup. org., 2000
Evaluating causal models: An application of maximum-likelihood analysis of structural equations.
G Maruyama, B McGarvey
Psychological bulletin 87 (3), 502, 1980
Ordinal position and peer popularity.
N Miller, G Maruyama
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 33 (2), 123, 1976
Assessing college readiness: Should we be satisfied with ACT or other threshold scores?
G Maruyama
Educational Researcher 41 (7), 252-261, 2012
Goal interdependence and interpersonal attraction in heterogeneous classrooms: A metanalysis
DW Johnson, R Johnson, G Maruyama
Groups in contact, 187-212, 1984
University faculty views about the value of diversity on campus and in the classroom
G Maruyama, JF Moreno
Does diversity make a difference? Three research studies on diversity in …, 2000
Educating students with mild disabilities in general education classrooms: Minnesota alternatives.
S Deno, G Maruyama
Exceptional Children 57 (2), 1990
Impact of different types of cooperative learning on cross-ethnic and cross-sex relationships.
D Warring, DW Johnson, G Maruyama, RT Johnson
Journal of educational Psychology 77 (1), 53, 1985
Research in educational settings
G Maruyama, SL Deno
Sage, 1992
Cross-cultural contact and attitudes of Qatari students in the United States
AA Kamal, G Maruyama
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 14 (2), 123-134, 1990
Roles of attribution, affect, and cognitive interference in test anxiety.
RM Arkin, CS Detchon, GM Maruyama
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 43 (5), 1111, 1982
The Basic Academic Skills Samples (BASS): An instrument for the screening and identification of children at risk for failure in regular education classrooms
CA Espin, SL Deno, G Maruyama, C Cohen
annual meeting of American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA, 1989
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