Shyam  Gopinath
Shyam Gopinath
Tippie College of Business
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Cited by
The effects of online user reviews on movie box office performance: Accounting for sequential rollout and aggregation across local markets
PK Chintagunta, S Gopinath, S Venkataraman
Marketing science 29 (5), 944-957, 2010
Investigating the relationship between the content of online word of mouth, advertising, and brand performance
S Gopinath, JS Thomas, L Krishnamurthi
Marketing Science 33 (2), 241-258, 2014
Blogs, advertising, and local-market movie box office performance
S Gopinath, PK Chintagunta, S Venkataraman
Management Science 59 (12), 2635-2654, 2013
Preaching to the choir: The chasm between top-ranked reviewers, mainstream customers, and product sales
E Yazdani, S Gopinath, S Carson
Marketing Science 37 (5), 838-851, 2018
The influence of the online community, professional critics, and location similarity on review ratings for niche and mainstream brands
J Hoskins, S Gopinath, JC Verhaal, E Yazdani
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 49, 1065-1087, 2021
History matters: The impact of online customer reviews across product generations
L Li, S Gopinath, SJ Carson
Management Science 68 (5), 3878-3903, 2022
The New Influence of Social Media
L Krishnamurthi, S Gopinath
Kellogg on Marketing, 307-318, 2012
Are revived customers as good as new?
S Gopinath, R Blattberg, E Malthouse
Available at SSRN 1356851, 2016
The role of reviewer badges in the dynamics of online reviews
E Yazdani, S Gopinath, SJ Carson
International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2024
Investigating the Role of Online WOM Content and Sender-Receiver Similarity in Social Learning
S Gopinath, J Shulman, Y Chen, L Krishnamurthi
Available at SSRN 3656742, 2022
Spatial Proximity, Consumer Online Purchase and Platform Marketing Strategies
M Ji, J Cao, S Gopinath, S Li
Consumer Online Purchase and Platform Marketing Strategies (September 19, 2022), 2022
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