Mary Logue
Mary Logue
Professor Emerita, Early Childhood Education, University of Maine
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Benefits of collaborative action research for the beginning teacher
SN Mitchell, RC Reilly, ME Logue
Teaching and teacher Education 25 (2), 344-349, 2009
Early childhood learning standards: Tools for promoting social and academic success in kindergarten
ME Logue
Children & Schools 29 (1), 35-43, 2007
Preschool teachers' views of active play
ME Logue, H Harvey
Journal of Research in Childhood Education 24 (1), 32-49, 2009
The effects of parental divorce on college students
JL Bulduc, SL Caron, ME Logue
Journal of Divorce & Remarriage 46 (3-4), 83-104, 2007
" You Be the Bad Guy": A New Role for Teachers in Supporting Children's Dramatic Play.
ME Logue, A Detour
Early Childhood Research & Practice 13 (1), n1, 2011
Teachers observe to learn
ME Logue
YC Young Children 61 (3), 70, 2006
Parents’ perceptions of child care for children with disabilities
DA Ceglowski, ME Logue, A Ullrich, J Gilbert
Early Childhood Education Journal 36 (6), 497-504, 2009
Older women/younger men: A look at the implications of age difference in marriage
N Proulx, SL Caron, ME Logue
Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy 5 (4), 43-64, 2006
The effects of day care participation on parent‐infant interaction at home
CP Edwards, ME Logue, SR Loehr, SB Roth
American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 57 (1), 116-119, 1987
Booked on math: developing math concepts in pre-k classrooms using interactive read-alouds
P McGuire, B Himot, G Clayton, M Yoo, ME Logue
Early Childhood Education Journal 49, 313-323, 2021
The influence of model infant—Toddler group care on parent-child interaction at home
CP Edwards, ME Logue, S Loehr, S Roth
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 1 (4), 317-332, 1986
Young children of substance-abusing parents: A developmental view of risk and resiliency
ME Logue, TM Rivinus
Children of chemically dependent parents: Multiperspectives from the cutting …, 1991
Read my dance: Promoting early writing through dance
ME Logue, M Robie, M Brown, K Waite
Childhood Education 85 (4), 216-222, 2009
Counterintuitive effects of online feedback in middle school math: results from a randomized controlled trial in ASSISTments
P McGuire, S Tu, ME Logue, CA Mason, K Ostrow
Educational Media International 54 (3), 231-244, 2017
Staff training: What difference does it make?
ME Logue, BK Eheart, RL Leavitt
Young children, 1986
Transitions to kindergarten in American schools (Contract No. LC 88089001)
JM Love, ME Logue, JV Trudeau, K Thayer
Portsmouth, NH: US Department of Education, 1992
The persona doll project: Promoting diversity awareness among preservice teachers through storytelling
ME Logue, SJ Kim
Social Studies Research and Practice 6 (2), 60-80, 2011
Transitions to kindergarten in American schools: Executive summary
JM Love, ME Logue
RMC Research Corporation, 1992
Making the Transition to Kindergarten.
ME Logue, JM Love
Principal 71 (5), 10-12, 1992
Take a look! Visual supports for learning
B Blagojevic, ME Logue, S Bennett-Armistead, B Taylor, E Neal
Teaching Young Children 4 (5), 10-13, 2011
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Articles 1–20