Juan Carlos Castillo
Juan Carlos Castillo
Departamento de Sociología, Universidad de Chile
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Income inequality, distributive fairness and political trust in Latin America
S Zmerli, JC Castillo
Social science research 52, 179-192, 2015
Observing many researchers using the same data and hypothesis reveals a hidden universe of uncertainty
N Breznau, EM Rinke, A Wuttke, HHV Nguyen, M Adem, J Adriaans, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (44), e2203150119, 2022
Mitigating the political participation gap from the school: The roles of civic knowledge and classroom climate
JC Castillo, D Miranda, M Bonhomme, C Cox, M Bascopé
Journal of Youth studies 18 (1), 16-35, 2015
Educación ciudadana en América Latina: Prioridades de los currículos escolares.
C Cox, M Bascopé, JC Castillo, D Miranda, M Bonhomme
Aprendizaje de la ciudadanía: Contextos, experiencias y resultados
C Cox, JC Castillo
Ediciones UC, 2015
Percepción de desigualdad económica en Chile: medición, diferencias y determinantes
JC Castillo, D Miranda, D Carrasco
Psykhe (Santiago) 21 (1), 99-114, 2012
Todos somos de clase media: Sobre el estatus social subjetivo en Chile
JC Castillo, D Miranda, IM Cabib
Latin American Research Review 48 (1), 155-173, 2013
Meritocracia y desigualdad económica: Percepciones, preferencias e implicancias
JC Castillo, A Torres, J Atria, L Maldonado
CSIC Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientifícas, 2019
Legitimacy of inequality in a highly unequal context: Evidence from the Chilean case
JC Castillo
Social Justice Research 24 (4), 314-340, 2011
Poverty attributions and the perceived justice of income inequality: A comparison of East and West Germany
SM Schneider, JC Castillo
Social Psychology Quarterly 78 (3), 263-282, 2015
Argumentative writing and academic achievement: A longitudinal study
DD Preiss, JC Castillo, EL Grigorenko, J Manzi
Learning and Individual Differences 28, 204-211, 2013
Political trust in Latin America
M Bargsted, NM Somma, JC Castillo
Handbook on political trust, 395-417, 2017
Assessment of argumentative writing and critical thinking in higher education: Educational correlates and gender differences
DD Preiss, JC Castillo, P Flotts, E San Martín
Learning and Individual Differences 28, 193-203, 2013
Procedural justice, minorities, and religiosity
R Factor, JC Castilo, A Rattner
Police Practice and Research 15 (2), 130-142, 2014
The legitimacy of economic inequality: An empirical approach to the case of Chile
JC Castillo
Universal-Publishers, 2011
Young citizens participation: Empirical testing of a conceptual model
D Miranda, JC Castillo, A Sandoval-Hernandez
Youth & Society 52 (2), 251-271, 2020
Investigando a la élite económica: Lecciones y desafíos a partir del caso de Chile
J Atria, J Amenábar, J Sánchez, JC Castillo, M Cociña
Cultura-hombre-sociedad 27 (2), 5-36, 2017
Income, egalitarianism and attitudes towards healthcare policy: A study on public attitudes in 29 countries
A Azar, L Maldonado, JC Castillo, J Atria
Public Health 154, 59-69, 2018
Sobre el estudio empírico de la solidaridad: aproximaciones conceptuales y metodológicas
I Madero Cabib, JC Castillo
Polis. Revista Latinoamericana, 2012
Patterns of civic and political commitment in early adolescence
ML Martínez, P Cumsille, I Loyola, JC Castillo
The journal of early adolescence 40 (1), 5-27, 2020
El sistema no puede realizar la operación en estos momentos. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.
Artículos 1–20