David Faro
David Faro
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More for the many: The influence of entitativity on charitable giving
RW Smith, D Faro, KA Burson
Journal of Consumer Research 39 (5), 961-976, 2013
Affect, empathy, and regressive mispredictions of others’ preferences under risk
D Faro, Y Rottenstreich
Management Science 52 (4), 529-541, 2006
Turning the page: The impact of choice closure on satisfaction
Y Gu, S Botti, D Faro
Journal of Consumer Research 40 (2), 268-283, 2013
Perceived causality as a cue to temporal distance
D Faro, F Leclerc, R Hastie
Psychological Science 16 (9), 673-677, 2005
Naïve theories of causal force and compression of elapsed time judgments.
D Faro, AL McGill, R Hastie
Journal of personality and social psychology 98 (5), 683, 2010
Changing the future by reshaping the past: the influence of causal beliefs on estimates of time to onset
D Faro
Journal of Consumer Research 37 (2), 279-291, 2010
Multiple-unit holdings yield attenuated endowment effects
K Burson, D Faro, Y Rottenstreich
Management Science 59 (3), 545-555, 2013
The influence of perceived causation on judgments of time: an integrative review and implications for decision-making
D Faro, AL McGill, R Hastie
Frontiers in psychology 4, 217, 2013
Seeking and avoiding choice closure to enhance outcome satisfaction
Y Gu, S Botti, D Faro
Journal of Consumer Research 45 (4), 792-809, 2018
Is it still working? Task difficulty promotes a rapid wear-off bias in judgments of pharmacological products
V Ilyuk, L Block, D Faro
Journal of Consumer Research 41 (3), 775-793, 2014
It's no longer “me”: Low past-self-continuity reduces the sunk-cost bias
AD Schanbacher, N Gurdamar-Okutur, D Faro
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 95, 104146, 2021
ABCs of principal–agent interactions: Accurate predictions, biased processes, and contrasts between working and delegating
KA Burson, D Faro, Y Rottenstreich
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 113 (1), 1-12, 2010
Providing multiple units of a good attenuates the endowment effect
K Burson, D Faro, Y Rottenstreich
Working paper, 2009
Flocks, Herds, and Families: The Influence of Victim-Unitization on Charitable Giving
K Burson, R Smith, D Faro
ACR North American Advances, 2011
A joint account with my future self: Self‐continuity facilitates adjustment of present spending to future income changes
AD Schanbacher, D Faro, S Botti
Journal of Consumer Psychology 34 (2), 264-280, 2024
Psychological causes of medical signs decrease perceived severity, support for care, and donations
S Goksel, D Faro, S Puntoni
Journal of the Association for Consumer Research 7 (2), 164-174, 2022
The psychological impact of annuities: can pension payout choice influence health behavior?
A Schanbacher, D Faro, S Botti, S Benartzi
Advances in Consumer Research 46, 775-776, 2018
Affect, Empathy and Predictions of Others’ Risk Tolerance
D Faro, Y Rottenstreich
ACR North American Advances, 2005
The Influence of Future Income on Present Spending: Self-Continuity Facilitates Consumption Smoothing
A Schanbacher, D Faro, S Botti
Available at SSRN 3030460, 2017
Merely available: products may be effective without actual consumption
D Faro, M Heller, C Irmak
Proceedings of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making Conference, 2011
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