David J. Fermin
Cited by
Cited by
Colloid science: principles, methods and applications
T Cosgrove
John Wiley & Sons, 2010
Electrochemistry at liquid/liquid interfaces: methodology and potential applications
F Reymond, D Fermın, HJ Lee, HH Girault
Electrochimica acta 45 (15-16), 2647-2662, 2000
Electronic and optical properties of single crystal SnS 2: an earth-abundant disulfide photocatalyst
LA Burton, TJ Whittles, D Hesp, WM Linhart, JM Skelton, B Hou, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 4 (4), 1312-1318, 2016
Liquid interfaces in chemical, biological and pharmaceutical applications
AG Volkov
CRC Press, 2001
Anionic surfactant ionic liquids with 1-butyl-3-methyl-imidazolium cations: characterization and application
P Brown, CP Butts, J Eastoe, D Fermin, I Grillo, HC Lee, D Parker, ...
Langmuir 28 (5), 2502-2509, 2012
Distance-independent charge-transfer resistance at gold electrodes modified by thiol monolayers and metal nanoparticles
CR Bradbury, J Zhao, DJ Fermin
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 112 (27), 10153-10160, 2008
A kinetic study of CdS photocorrosion by intensity modulated photocurrent and photoelectrochemical impedance spectroscopy
DJ Fermín, EA Ponomarev, LM Peter
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 473 (1-2), 192-203, 1999
Doping and alloying of kesterites
YE Romanyuk, SG Haass, S Giraldo, M Placidi, D Tiwari, DJ Fermin, ...
Journal of Physics: Energy 1 (4), 044004, 2019
Porous boron-doped diamond/carbon nanotube electrodes
H Zanin, PW May, DJ Fermin, D Plana, SMC Vieira, WI Milne, EJ Corat
ACS applied materials & interfaces 6 (2), 990-995, 2014
Reversible voltage-induced assembly of Au nanoparticles at liquid| liquid interfaces
B Su, JP Abid, DJ Fermín, HH Girault, H Hoffmannová, P Krtil, Z Samec
Journal of the American Chemical Society 126 (3), 915-919, 2004
Nanoparticle-mediated electron transfer across ultrathin self-assembled films
J Zhao, CR Bradbury, S Huclova, I Potapova, M Carrara, DJ Fermín
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109 (48), 22985-22994, 2005
Photoinduced electron transfer at liquid/liquid interfaces-Part II. A study of the electron transfer and recombination dynamics by intensity modulated photocurrent spectroscopy …
DJ Fermin, HD Duong, ZF Ding, PF Brevet, HH Girault
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 1 (7), 1461-1467, 1999
Intensity-modulated photocurrent spectroscopy: reconciliation of phenomenological analysis with multistep electron transfer mechanisms
LM Peter, EA Ponomarev, DJ Fermin
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 427 (1-2), 79-96, 1997
Solution processed bismuth ferrite thin films for all-oxide solar photovoltaics
D Tiwari, DJ Fermin, TK Chaudhuri, A Ray
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (11), 5872-5877, 2015
Enhanced MFC power production and struvite recovery by the addition of sea salts to urine
I Merino-Jimenez, V Celorrio, DJ Fermin, J Greenman, I Ieropoulos
Water Research 109, 46-53, 2017
Diamond-coated ‘black silicon’as a promising material for high-surface-area electrochemical electrodes and antibacterial surfaces
PW May, M Clegg, TA Silva, H Zanin, O Fatibello-Filho, V Celorrio, ...
Journal of materials chemistry B 4 (34), 5737-5746, 2016
Electronic properties of Ag nanoparticle arrays. A Kelvin probe and high resolution XPS study
M Schnippering, M Carrara, A Foelske, R Kötz, DJ Fermín
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 9 (6), 725-730, 2007
Voltammetry at a liquid–liquid interface supported on a metallic electrode
S Ulmeanu, HJ Lee, DJ Fermin, HH Girault, Y Shao
Electrochemistry communications 3 (5), 219-223, 2001
Photoinduced electron transfer at liquid/liquid interfaces. Part VI. On the thermodynamic driving force dependence of the phenomenological electron-transfer rate constant
N Eugster, DJ Fermín, HH Girault
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 106 (13), 3428-3433, 2002
Crystal structure and defects visualization of Cu2ZnSnS4 nanoparticles employing transmission electron microscopy and electron diffraction
N Kattan, B Hou, DJ Fermín, D Cherns
Applied Materials Today 1 (1), 52-59, 2015
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Articles 1–20