NiCole T. Buchanan
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Scrutinized but not recognized:(In) visibility and hypervisibility experiences of faculty of color
IH Settles, NT Buchanan, K Dotson
Journal of Vocational Behavior 113, 62-74, 2019
Upending racism in psychological science: Strategies to change how science is conducted, reported, reviewed, and disseminated.
NT Buchanan, M Perez, MJ Prinstein, IB Thurston
American Psychologist 76 (7), 1097, 2021
Effects of racial and sexual harassment on work and the psychological well-being of African American women.
NT Buchanan, LF Fitzgerald
Journal of occupational health psychology 13 (2), 137, 2008
Epistemic exclusion: Scholar (ly) devaluation that marginalizes faculty of color.
IH Settles, MK Jones, NT Buchanan, K Dotson
Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 2020
Through the lens of race: Black and White women's perceptions of womanhood
IH Settles, JS Pratt-Hyatt, NT Buchanan
Psychology of Women Quarterly 32 (4), 454-468, 2008
Racialized sexual harassment in the lives of African American women
NT Buchanan, AJ Ormerod
Women & Therapy 25 (3-4), 107-124, 2002
A review of organizational strategies for reducing sexual harassment: Insights from the US military
NT Buchanan, IH Settles, AT Hall, RC O’Connor
Journal of Social Issues 70 (4), 687-702, 2014
Comparing sexual harassment subtypes among black and white women by military rank: Double jeopardy, the jezebel, and the cult of true womanhood
NT Buchanan, IH Settles, KC Woods
Psychology of Women Quarterly 32 (4), 347-361, 2008
Understanding Psychology’s Resistance to Intersectionality Theory using a Framework of Invisibility and Epistemic Exclusion.
IH Settles, L Warner, NT Buchanan, MK Jones
Journal of Social Issues, 2020
Why clinical science must change or die: Integrating intersectionality and social justice
NT Buchanan, LO Wiklund
Women & Therapy 43 (3-4), 309-329, 2020
School staff responses to gender-based bullying as moral interpretation: An exploratory study
D Anagnostopoulos, NT Buchanan, C Pereira, LF Lichty
Educational Policy 23 (4), 519-553, 2009
Managing (in) visibility and hypervisibility in the workplace
NT Buchanan, IH Settles
Journal of Vocational Behavior 113, 1-5, 2019
Derogation, discrimination, and (dis) satisfaction with jobs in science: A gendered analysis
IH Settles, LM Cortina, NT Buchanan, KN Miner
Psychology of Women Quarterly 37 (2), 179-191, 2013
Multiple groups, multiple identities, and intersectionality
IH Settles, NT Buchanan
The Oxford handbook of multicultural identity 1, 160-180, 2014
DiAngelo, R.(2018). White fragility: Why it’s so hard for White people to talk about racism. Boston, MA: Beacon Press. 192 pp. $11.00 (paperback). ISBN 9780807047415.
NT Buchanan, SA Alexander
Psychology of Women Quarterly 43 (3), 404-410, 2019
Life history and narrative analysis: Feminist methodologies contextualizing Black women's experiences with severe mental illness
MR Sosulski, NT Buchanan, CM Donnell
J. Soc. & Soc. Welfare 37, 29, 2010
Sexual harassment across the color line: experiences and outcomes of cross-versus intraracial sexual harassment among Black women.
KC Woods, NT Buchanan, IH Settles
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology 15 (1), 67, 2009
Reconceptualizing Successful Aging among Black Women and the Relevance of the Strong Black Woman Archetype.”
TA Baker, NT Buchanan, CA Mingo
The Gerontologist 55 (1), 51-57, 2015
Epistemic exclusion of women faculty and faculty of color: Understanding scholar (ly) devaluation as a predictor of turnover intentions
IH Settles, MK Jones, NT Buchanan, ST Brassel
The Journal of Higher Education, 1-25, 2021
Exploring gender differences in body image, eating pathology, and sexual harassment
NT Buchanan, BM Bluestein, AC Nappa, KC Woods, MM Depatie
Body image 10 (3), 352-360, 2013
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Articles 1–20