Antonio Sánchez Herguedas
Antonio Sánchez Herguedas
Universidad de Sevilla, 14 year in Rolls Royce Power Systems
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Monte Carlo-Based assessment of system availability. A case study for cogeneration plants.
AC Márquez, AS Herguedas, B Iung
Reliability Engineering and System Safety 88 (3), 273-289, 2005
Models for maintenance optimization: A study for repairable systems and finite time periods
AC Márquez, AS Herguedas
Reliability Engineering and System Safety 75 (3), 367-377, 2002
Learning about failure root causes through maintenance records analysis
A Crespo Márquez, A Sánchez Herguedas
Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering 10 (4), 254-262, 2004
Maintenance Policies for a Production System With Constrained Production Rate and Buffer Capacity
AC Márquez, JND Gupta, AS Herguedas
International Journal of Production Research 41 (9), 1909-1926, 2003
A new analytical method to optimise the preventive maintenance interval by using a semi-Markov process and z-transform with an application to marine diesel engines
A Sánchez-Herguedas, Á Mena-Nieto, F Rodrigo-Muñoz
Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 2021
Ingeniería de mantenimiento: técnicas y métodos de aplicación a la fase operativa de los equipos
AC Márquez, PM de León, AJS Herguedas
Ediciones AENOR, 2004
Optimizing preventive maintenance over a finite planning horizon in a semi-Markov framework
A Sánchez-Herguedas, A Crespo-Màrquez, F Rodrigo-Muñoz
IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, 2022
Optimisation of Maintenance Policies Based on Right-Censored Failure Data Using a Semi-Markovian Approach
A Sánchez-Herguedas, Á Mena-Nieto, F Rodrigo-Muñoz, J Villalba-Díez, ...
Sensors, 1424-8220 22 (4), 1432, 2022
A method for obtaining the preventive maintenance interval in the absence of failure time data
A Sánchez-Herguedas, Á Mena-Nieto, F Rodrigo-Muñoz
Eksploatacja i Niezawodność 24 (3), 564-573, 2022
Optimising the Preventive Maintenance Interval Using a Semi-Markov Process, Z-Transform, and Finite Planning Horizon
A Sánchez-Herguedas, A Crespo-Márquez, F Rodrigo-Muñoz
Cases on Optimizing the Asset Management Process, 137-161, 2021
Ingeniería de mantenimiento.
AC Márquez, PM de León, AS Herguedas
Omega 28, 277-292, 2004
Finite time preventive maintenance optimization by using a Semi-Markov process with a degraded state. A case study for diesel engines in mining
A Sánchez-Herguedas, Á Mena-Nieto, A Crespo-Márquez, ...
Computers & Industrial Engineering 190 (110083), 1-17, 2024
Ciclo de mejora en el aula para la elaboración de un plan de mantenimiento bajo el método RCM
AS Herguedas
Ciclos de mejora en el aula, año 2019: Experiencias de innovación docente de …, 2020
Análisis y diseño de políticas de mantenimiento mediante métodos cuantitativos (II)
AC Márquez, AS Herguedas
Revista Mantenimiento. España 86, 17-22, 1995
Influence of the Income from the Use of an Asset on the Calculation of its preventive interval for a planned horizon. Use of semi-Markov processes and degraded state
A Sánchez-Herguedas, A Crespo Márquez, F Rodrigo-Muñoz
World Congress on Engineering Asset Management, 533-543, 2022
Ciclo de Mejora en el Aula (CIMA) para el desarrollo de las actividades de mantenimiento
AJS Herguedas, I Empresas
Ciclos de mejora en el aula. Año 2021: experiencias de innovación docente de …, 2022
Aplicación de enfoques Semimarkovianos a la mejora de políticas de mantenimiento predeterminado en activos industriales
A Sánchez-Herguedas, A Mena-Nieto, F Rodrigo-Muñoz, J Villalba-Diez, ...
Actas de las IV Jornadas ScienCity 2021 Fomento de la Cultura Científica …, 2022
Development of a Tool to Calculate the Preventive Maintenance Interval Using a Semi-Markovian Model Including a Degraded State
A Sánchez-Herguedas, F Rodrigo-Muñoz
ESPOCH Congresses: The Ecuadorian Journal of STEAM, 122–150-122–150, 2024
Determination of the Exact Economic Time for the Component Replacement Using Condition-Based Maintenance
A Sánchez-Herguedas, AJ Guillén-López, F Rodrigo-Muñoz
Advances in Asset Management: Strategies, Technologies, and Industry …, 2024
Application of Digital Twin Technology for the Digitization of Railway Maintenance Services in compliance with European Regulation EU 779/2019.
A Guillén-López, A Sanchez-Herguedas, M Rodríguez
IFAC-PapersOnLine 58 (8), 1-6, 2024
El sistema no puede realizar la operación en estos momentos. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.
Artículos 1–20