Anna Queralt
Anna Queralt
Otros nombresORCID:0000-0003-2782-2955
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PyCOMPSs: Parallel computational workflows in Python
E Tejedor, Y Becerra, G Alomar, A Queralt, RM Badia, J Torres, T Cortes, ...
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 31 (1 …, 2017
OCL-Lite: Finite reasoning on UML/OCL conceptual schemas
A Queralt, A Artale, D Calvanese, E Teniente
Data & Knowledge Engineering 73, 1-22, 2012
Reasoning on UML class diagrams with OCL constraints
A Queralt, E Teniente
Conceptual Modeling-ER 2006: 25th International Conference on Conceptual …, 2006
Verification and validation of UML conceptual schemas with OCL constraints
A Queralt, E Teniente
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 21 (2), 13, 2012
Enabling dynamic and intelligent workflows for HPC, data analytics, and AI convergence
J Ejarque, RM Badia, L Albertin, G Aloisio, E Baglione, Y Becerra, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 134, 414-429, 2022
EU-Rent car rentals specification
L Frias, A Queralt, A Olivé
2006-01-08]. http:∥ www. lsi. upc. es/dept/techreps/techreps. html, 2003
Dataclay: A distributed data store for effective inter-player data sharing
J Martí, A Queralt, D Gasull, A Barceló, JJ Costa, T Cortes
Journal of Systems and Software 131, 129-145, 2017
Big Data Benchmark Compendium
T Ivanov, T Rabl, M Poess, A Queralt, J Poelman, N Poggi, J Buell
Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking: Traditional to Big Data to Internet …, 2015
Artifact-Centric Business Process Models in UML
M Estañol, A Queralt, MR Sancho, E Teniente
Business Process Management Workshops, 292-303, 2013
Improving the definition of general constraints in UML
D Costal, C Gómez, A Queralt, R Raventós, E Teniente
Software and systems modeling 7 (4), 469-486, 2008
Decidable reasoning in UML schemas with constraints
A Queralt, E Teniente
International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, 281-295, 2008
Facilitating the definition of general constraints in UML
D Costal, C Gómez, A Queralt, R Raventós, E Teniente
Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems: 9th International Conference …, 2006
AuRUS: explaining the validation of UML/OCL conceptual schemas
G Rull, C Farré, A Queralt, E Teniente, T Urpí
Software & Systems Modeling 14 (2), 953-980, 2015
AuRUS: automated reasoning on UML/OCL schemas
A Queralt, G Rull, E Teniente, C Farré, T Urpí
Conceptual Modeling–ER 2010, 438-444, 2010
Reasoning on UML conceptual schemas with operations
A Queralt, E Teniente
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 21st International Conference …, 2009
Specifying the semantics of operation contracts in conceptual modeling
A Queralt, E Teniente
Journal on Data Semantics VII, 33-56, 2006
mF2C: towards a coordinated management of the IoT-fog-cloud continuum
X Masip-Bruin, E Marín-Tordera, A Juan-Ferrer, A Queralt, A Jukan, ...
Proceedings of the 4th ACM MobiHoc Workshop on Experiences with the Design …, 2018
Managing the Cloud Continuum: Lessons Learnt from a Real Fog-to-Cloud Deployment
X Masip-Bruin, E Marín-Tordera, S Sánchez-López, J Garcia, A Jukan, ...
Sensors 21 (9), 2974, 2021
A platform independent model for the electronic marketplace domain
A Queralt, E Teniente
Software and Systems Modeling 7 (2), 219-235, 2008
Automated reasoning on UML conceptual schemas with derived information and queries
C Farré, A Queralt, G Rull, E Teniente, T Urpí
Information and Software Technology 55 (9), 1529-1550, 2013
El sistema no puede realizar la operación en estos momentos. Inténtalo de nuevo más tarde.
Artículos 1–20