Zenan Ling
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Cited by
An accurate and real-time method of self-blast glass insulator location based on faster R-CNN and U-net with aerial images
Z Ling, D Zhang, RC Qiu, Z Jin, Y Zhang, X He, H Liu
CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems 5 (4), 474-482, 2019
Individual recognition in schizophrenia using deep learning methods with random forest and voting classifiers: Insights from resting state EEG streams
L Chu, R Qiu, H Liu, Z Ling, T Zhang, J Wang
arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.03467, 2017
Spatio-temporal correlation analysis of online monitoring data for anomaly detection and location in distribution networks
X Shi, R Qiu, Z Ling, F Yang, H Yang, X He
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 11 (2), 995-1006, 2019
Designing for situation awareness of future power grids: An indicator system based on linear eigenvalue statistics of large random matrices
X He, RC Qiu, Q Ai, L Chu, X Xu, Z Ling
IEEE Access 4, 3557-3568, 2016
A novel data-driven situation awareness approach for future grids—Using large random matrices for big data modeling
X He, L Chu, RC Qiu, Q Ai, Z Ling
IEEE Access 6, 13855-13865, 2018
Invisible units detection and estimation based on random matrix theory
X He, L Chu, RC Qiu, Q Ai, Z Ling, J Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35 (3), 1846-1855, 2019
Massive streaming PMU data modelling and analytics in smart grid state evaluation based on multiple high-dimensional covariance test
L Chu, R Qiu, X He, Z Ling, Y Liu
IEEE Transactions on Big Data 4 (1), 55-64, 2017
Optimization induced equilibrium networks: An explicit optimization perspective for understanding equilibrium models
X Xie, Q Wang, Z Ling, X Li, G Liu, Z Lin
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 45 (3), 3604-3616, 2022
Real-time static voltage stability assessment in large-scale power systems based on spectrum estimation of phasor measurement unit data
F Yang, Z Ling, M Wei, T Mi, H Yang, RC Qiu
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 124, 106196, 2021
A new approach of exploiting self-adjoint matrix polynomials of large random matrices for anomaly detection and fault location
Z Ling, RC Qiu, X He, L Chu
IEEE Transactions on Big Data 7 (3), 548-558, 2019
Spectrum concentration in deep residual learning: a free probability approach
Z Ling, RC Qiu
IEEE Access 7, 105212-105223, 2019
A roadmap for big model
S Yuan, H Zhao, S Zhao, J Leng, Y Liang, X Wang, J Yu, X Lv, Z Shao, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2203.14101, 2022
Early anomaly detection and localisation in distribution network: A data‐driven approach
X Shi, R Qiu, X He, Z Ling, H Yang, L Chu
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 14 (18), 3814-3825, 2020
Global convergence of over-parameterized deep equilibrium models
Z Ling, X Xie, Q Wang, Z Zhang, Z Lin
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 767-787, 2023
Event detection, localization, and classification based on semi-supervised learning in power grids
F Yang, Z Ling, Y Zhang, X He, Q Ai, RC Qiu
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 38 (5), 4080-4094, 2022
Spatio-temporal big data analysis for smart grids based on random matrix theory: A comprehensive study
R Qiu, L Chu, X He, Z Ling, H Liu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.04935, 2017
Revisiting logistic-softmax likelihood in bayesian meta-learning for few-shot classification
T Ke, H Cao, Z Ling, F Zhou
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36, 2024
Brown measure based spectral distribution analysis for spatial-temporal localization of cascading events in power grids
F Yang, M Wei, Z Ling, T Mi, H Yang, RC Qiu
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 12 (2), 1805-1820, 2020
Anomaly detection and location in distribution networks: A data-driven approach
X Shi, R Qiu, X He, L Chu, Z Ling, H Yang
arXiv preprint 1801, 2018
Detection and analysis of multiple events based on high-dimensional factor models in power grid
F Yang, RC Qiu, Z Ling, X He, H Yang
Energies 12 (7), 1360, 2019
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