Patty Witkowsky
Patty Witkowsky
Associate Professor
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Deductive and inductive approaches to qualitative data analysis
AJ Bingham, P Witkowsky
SAGE Publications, 2021
Nontraditional student perceptions of collegiate inclusion
P Witkowsky, S Mendez, O Ogunbowo, G Clayton, N Hernandez
The Journal of Continuing Higher Education 64 (1), 30-41, 2016
What Makes Dual Enrollment Work? High School Counselor Perspectives
P Witkowsky, G Clayton
Community College Journal of Research and Practice 44 (6), 427-444, 2020
Connecting Familismo and Higher Education: Influence of Spanish Language PFMO Programs on Latinx Family Involvement and Sense of Belonging
P Witkowsky, V Obregon, B Bruner, J Alanis
Journal of Hispanic Higher Education 19 (4), 354-368, 2020
Influence of a short-term study abroad experience on professional competencies and career aspirations of graduate students in student affairs
S Witkowsky, P., & Mendez
Journal of College Student Development 59 (6), 769-775, 2018
Promises and Realities: Academic Advisors' Perspectives of Dual Enrollment Credit
P Witkowsky, K Starkey, G Clayton, M Garnar, A Andersen
NACADA Journal 40 (2), 63-73, 2020
Student veteran experiences in a transition seminar course: Exploring the thriving transition cycle
S Mendez, P Witkowsky, P Morris, J Brosseau, H Nicholson
Journal of Veterans Studies 3 (2), 1-18, 2018
Sisters leading together: The experience of recruitment counselors during sorority recruitment
P Witkowsky
Oracle: The Research Journal of the Association of Fraternity/Sorority …, 2010
Creating Supportive Educational Communities for Non-Traditional Women in Student Affairs Preparation Programs
P Witkowsky, A Dinise-Halter, T Yakaboski, S Long
Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice 55 (2), 167-180, 2018
Undocumented Students' Perceptions of Institutional Support.
J Alanis, P Witkowsky, N Tapia-Fuselier
Journal of College Access 6 (2), 146-159, 2021
“Expect the Unexpected:” Experiences of US-Trained Student Affairs Professionals Working Abroad
P Witkowsky
Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice 57 (2), 212-227, 2020
Sorority ritual participation and self-efficacy
C Mendez, S., Witkowsky, P., Allee, A., Christensen, B., & Stiles
Oracle: The Research Journal of the Association of Fraternity/Sorority …, 2017
Preparing faculty for internationalization: Opportunities through teaching, research, and service
P Witkowsky, C Gibbes
New Directions for Higher Education 2020 (192), 73-84, 2020
Approaches to Advising Incoming College Students with Dual Enrollment Credit
P Witkowsky, M Garnar, K Starkey, A Andersen, G Clayton
Journal of College Orientation, Transition, and Retention 27 (1), 2020
Voices of well doctoral students: A case study exploration into the possibilities of academic and personal success
PA Witkowsky
University of Northern Colorado, 2010
Doctoral students make meaning of their experience: A constructivist inquiry
S Vahey, K., Witkowsky, P., Rehling, J., & Saifah
Journal of Graduate and Professional Student Development 13, 2-22, 2010
Influence of Undergraduate Student Affairs Coursework on Undergraduate Engagement
P Witkowsky, N Fuselier
College Student Affairs Journal 41 (1), 90-104, 2023
Welcome to the United States: Promising Practices for Orientation Programs that Support International Student Mental Well-Being.
Y Witkowsky, P., Figueroa, J., Guan, K., & Zheng
International Student Identities and Mental Well-Being: Beyond the Single Story, 2023
Comparing Military-Connected and NonMilitary-Connected Students’ Orientation Experiences
P Witkowsky, C Kumm, S Mendez, H Nicholson, OO Dimandja, P Morris
Journal of College Orientation, Transition, and Retention 24 (1), 2017
Recruiting and Retaining Higher Education Leaders for the Rural Community College “Lifestyle”
R Mitchell, N Fuselier, P Witkowsky
Journal of Education Human Resources, e20230050, 2023
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