Masamichi Ohba
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Cited by
ENSO and Pacific decadal variability in the Community Climate System Model version 4
C Deser, AS Phillips, RA Tomas, YM Okumura, MA Alexander, ...
Journal of Climate 25 (8), 2622-2651, 2012
Role of nonlinear atmospheric response to SST on the asymmetric transition process of ENSO
M Ohba, H Ueda
Journal of Climate 22 (1), 177-192, 2009
A proposed mechanism for the asymmetric duration of El Niņo and La Niņa
YM Okumura, M Ohba, C Deser, H Ueda
Journal of climate 24 (15), 3822-3829, 2011
Uncertainty in the ENSO amplitude change from the past to the future
M Watanabe, JS Kug, FF Jin, M Collins, M Ohba, AT Wittenberg
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (20), 2012
Impact of strong tropical volcanic eruptions on ENSO simulated in a coupled GCM
M Ohba, H Shiogama, T Yokohata, M Watanabe
Journal of Climate 26 (14), 5169-5182, 2013
An impact of SST anomalies in the Indian Ocean in acceleration of the El Niņo to La Niņa transition
M Ohba, H Ueda
Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II 85 (3), 335-348, 2007
Differences in climate change impacts between weather patterns: possible effects on spatial heterogeneous changes of future extreme rainfall
M Ohba, S Sugimoto
Climate Dynamics, 2018
Anomalous weather patterns in relation to heavy precipitation events in Japan during the Baiu season
M Ohba, S Kadokura, Y Yoshida, D Nohara, Y Toyoda
Journal of Hydrometeorology 16 (2), 688-701, 2015
Impacts of synoptic circulation patterns on wind power ramp events in East Japan
M Ohba, S Kadokura, D Nohara
Renewable Energy 96, 591-602, 2016
Important factors for the development of the Asian–northwest Pacific summer monsoon
H Ueda, M Ohba, SP Xie
Journal of climate 22 (3), 649-669, 2009
A role of zonal gradient of SST between the Indian Ocean and the western Pacific in localized convection around the Philippines
M Ohba, H Ueda
Sola 2, 176-179, 2006
Role of the Indo-Pacific interbasin coupling in predicting asymmetric ENSO transition and duration
M Ohba, M Watanabe
Journal of climate 25 (9), 3321-3335, 2012
Impacts of climate change on heavy wet snowfall in Japan
M Ohba, S Sugimoto
Climate Dynamics 54 (5), 3151-3164, 2020
The impact of global warming on wind energy resources and ramp events in Japan
M Ohba
Atmosphere 10 (5), 265, 2019
Simulation of asymmetric ENSO transition in WCRP CMIP3 multimodel experiments
M Ohba, D Nohara, H Ueda
Journal of climate 23 (22), 6051-6067, 2010
Rainfall downscaling of weekly ensemble forecasts using self-organising maps
M Ohba, S Kadokura, D Nohara, Y Toyoda
Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 68 (1), 29293, 2016
Basin-wide warming in the equatorial Indian Ocean associated with El Niņo
M Ohba, H Ueda
Sola 1, 89-92, 2005
The effect of strong volcanic eruptions on ENSO
S McGregor, M Khodri, N Maher, M Ohba, FSR Pausata, S Stevenson
El Niņo Southern Oscillation in a changing climate, 267-287, 2020
Madagascar's climate at the K/P boundary and its impact on the island's biotic suite
M Ohba, KE Samonds, M LaFleur, JR Ali, LR Godfrey
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 441, 688-695, 2016
A GCM study on effects of continental drift on tropical climate at the early and late Cretaceous
M Ohba, H Ueda
Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II 88 (6), 869-881, 2010
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Articles 1–20