Tim Oosterwijk
Cited by
Cited by
Posted price mechanisms for a random stream of customers
J Correa, P Foncea, R Hoeksma, T Oosterwijk, T Vredeveld
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, 169-186, 2017
Recent developments in prophet inequalities
J Correa, P Foncea, R Hoeksma, T Oosterwijk, T Vredeveld
ACM SIGecom Exchanges 17 (1), 61-70, 2019
The Secretary Problem with Independent Sampling
J Correa, A Cristi, L Feuilloley, T Oosterwijk, A Tsigonias-Dimitriadis, 2020
Approximating vector scheduling: almost matching upper and lower bounds
N Bansal, T Oosterwijk, T Vredeveld, R Van Der Zwaan
Algorithmica 76, 1077-1096, 2016
On the price of anarchy for flows over time
J Correa, A Cristi, T Oosterwijk
Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, 559-577, 2019
Posted Price Mechanisms and Optimal Threshold Strategies for Random Arrivals
J Correa, P Foncea, R Hoeksma, T Oosterwijk, T Vredeveld
Mathematics of Operations Research 46 (4), 1452-1478, 2021
A logarithmic approximation for polymatroid congestion games
T Harks, T Oosterwijk, T Vredeveld
Operations Research Letters 44 (6), 712-717, 2016
High multiplicity scheduling with switching costs for few products
M Gabay, A Grigoriev, VJC Kreuzen, T Oosterwijk
Operations Research Proceedings 2014: Selected Papers of the Annual …, 2016
Cyclic lot-sizing problems with sequencing costs
A Grigoriev, VJ Kreuzen, T Oosterwijk
Journal of Scheduling 24 (2), 2021
On local search and LP and SDP relaxations for k-set packing
T Oosterwijk
arXiv preprint arXiv:1507.07459, 2015
Bicriteria Nash flows over time
T Oosterwijk, D Schmand, M Schröder
Games and Economic Behavior 147, 19-37, 2024
Tractable Cases of -Bounded Parsimony Haplotyping
J Keijsper, T Oosterwijk
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 12 (1 …, 2014
Exact and Approximation Algorithms for Routing a Convoy Through a Graph
M van Ee, T Oosterwijk, R Sitters, A Wiese
48th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science …, 2023
Decentralized optimization of multi-commodity flows over time
C Defryn, IE Senyuva, T Oosterwijk
ORBEL 36: 36th Annual conference of the Belgian Operations Research society, 2022
On the price of anarchy for flows over time
JR Correa Haeussler, A Cristi, T Oosterwijk
Informs, 2021
A general framework for energy-efficient cloud computing mechanisms
A Antoniadis, A Cristi, T Oosterwijk, A Sgouritsa
19th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 70-78, 2020
Approximation Algorithms in Allocation, Scheduling and Pricing
T Oosterwijk
How to Allocate Prices to Random Customers?
J Correa, P Foncea, R Hoeksma, T Oosterwijk, T Vredeveld
13th Workshop on Models and Algorithms for Planning and Scheduling Problems, 229, 2017
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Articles 1–18