Carien M. van Reekum
Carien M. van Reekum
Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, University of Reading
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Amygdala and ventromedial prefrontal cortex are inversely coupled during regulation of negative affect and predict the diurnal pattern of cortisol secretion among older adults
HL Urry, CM Van Reekum, T Johnstone, NH Kalin, ME Thurow, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (16), 4415-4425, 2006
Failure to regulate: counterproductive recruitment of top-down prefrontal-subcortical circuitry in major depression
T Johnstone, CM Van Reekum, HL Urry, NH Kalin, RJ Davidson
Journal of Neuroscience 27 (33), 8877-8884, 2007
Gaze fixations predict brain activation during the voluntary regulation of picture-induced negative affect
CM van Reekum, T Johnstone, HL Urry, ME Thurow, HS Schaefer, ...
Neuroimage 36 (3), 1041-1055, 2007
Purpose in life predicts better emotional recovery from negative stimuli
SM Schaefer, J Morozink Boylan, CM Van Reekum, RC Lapate, CJ Norris, ...
PloS one 8 (11), e80329, 2013
Effects of hydration status on cognitive performance and mood
NA Masento, M Golightly, DT Field, LT Butler, CM van Reekum
British Journal of Nutrition 111 (10), 1841-1852, 2014
Individual differences in amygdala and ventromedial prefrontal cortex activity are associated with evaluation speed and psychological well-being
CM van Reekum, HL Urry, T Johnstone, ME Thurow, CJ Frye, CA Jackson, ...
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 19 (2), 237-248, 2007
Amygdala–prefrontal coupling underlies individual differences in emotion regulation
H Lee, AS Heller, CM Van Reekum, B Nelson, RJ Davidson
Neuroimage 62 (3), 1575-1581, 2012
The rise of affectivism
D Dukes, K Abrams, R Adolphs, ME Ahmed, A Beatty, KC Berridge, ...
Nature human behaviour 5 (7), 816-820, 2021
The voice of emotion: an FMRI study of neural responses to angry and happy vocal expressions
T Johnstone, CM Van Reekum, TR Oakes, RJ Davidson
Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 1 (3), 242-249, 2006
Levels of processing in emotion-antecedent appraisal
CM Van Reekum, KR Scherer
Advances in Psychology 124, 259-300, 1997
Individual differences in some (but not all) medial prefrontal regions reflect cognitive demand while regulating unpleasant emotion
HL Urry, CM van Reekum, T Johnstone, RJ Davidson
Neuroimage 47 (3), 852-863, 2009
Psychophysiological responses to appraisal dimensions in a computer game
C van Reekum, T Johnstone, R Banse, A Etter, T Wehrle, K Scherer
Cognition and emotion 18 (5), 663-688, 2004
Conscientiousness predicts greater recovery from negative emotion.
KN Javaras, SM Schaefer, CM Van Reekum, RC Lapate, LL Greischar, ...
Emotion 12 (5), 875, 2012
Sustained striatal activity predicts eudaimonic well-being and cortisol output
AS Heller, CM van Reekum, SM Schaefer, RC Lapate, BT Radler, CD Ryff, ...
Psychological science 24 (11), 2191-2200, 2013
The effect of cycling on cognitive function and well-being in older adults
LA Leyland, B Spencer, N Beale, T Jones, CM Van Reekum
PloS one 14 (2), e0211779, 2019
Nothing is safe: Intolerance of uncertainty is associated with compromised fear extinction learning
J Morriss, A Christakou, CM Van Reekum
Biological psychology 121, 187-193, 2016
Purposeful engagement, healthy aging, and the brain
CD Ryff, AS Heller, SM Schaefer, C Van Reekum, RJ Davidson
Current behavioral neuroscience reports 3, 318-327, 2016
Temporal dynamics of emotional responding: amygdala recovery predicts emotional traits
BS Schuyler, TRA Kral, J Jacquart, CA Burghy, HY Weng, DM Perlman, ...
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience 9 (2), 176-181, 2014
Intolerance of uncertainty predicts fear extinction in amygdala-ventromedial prefrontal cortical circuitry
J Morriss, A Christakou, CM Van Reekum
Biology of mood & anxiety disorders 5, 1-13, 2015
How reward modulates mimicry: EMG evidence of greater facial mimicry of more rewarding happy faces
TB Sims, CM Van Reekum, T Johnstone, B Chakrabarti
Psychophysiology 49 (7), 998-1004, 2012
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Articles 1–20