Guido Boffetta
Guido Boffetta
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Two-dimensional turbulence
G Boffetta, RE Ecke
Annual review of fluid mechanics 44 (1), 427-451, 2012
Predictability: a way to characterize complexity
G Boffetta, M Cencini, M Falcioni, A Vulpiani
Physics reports 356 (6), 367-474, 2002
Predictability in the large: an extension of the concept of Lyapunov exponent
E Aurell, G Boffetta, A Crisanti, G Paladin, A Vulpiani
Journal of physics A: Mathematical and general 30 (1), 1, 1997
Power laws in solar flares: self-organized criticality or turbulence?
G Boffetta, V Carbone, P Giuliani, P Veltri, A Vulpiani
Physical review letters 83 (22), 4662, 1999
Turbulence drives microscale patches of motile phytoplankton
WM Durham, E Climent, M Barry, F De Lillo, G Boffetta, M Cencini, ...
Nature communications 4 (1), 2148, 2013
Acceleration statistics of heavy particles in turbulence
J Bec, L Biferale, G Boffetta, A Celani, M Cencini, A Lanotte, S Musacchio, ...
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 550, 349-358, 2006
Dispersion of passive tracers in closed basins: Beyond the diffusion coefficient
V Artale, G Boffetta, A Celani, M Cencini, A Vulpiani
Physics of Fluids 9 (11), 3162-3171, 1997
Inverse energy cascade in two-dimensional turbulence: Deviations from Gaussian behavior
G Boffetta, A Celani, M Vergassola
Physical Review E 61 (1), R29, 2000
Multifractal statistics of Lagrangian velocity and acceleration in turbulence
L Biferale, G Boffetta, A Celani, BJ Devenish, A Lanotte, F Toschi
Physical review letters 93 (6), 064502, 2004
Detecting barriers to transport: a review of different techniques
G Boffetta, G Lacorata, G Redaelli, A Vulpiani
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 159 (1-2), 58-70, 2001
Conformal invariance in two-dimensional turbulence
D Bernard, G Boffetta, A Celani, G Falkovich
Nature Physics 2 (2), 124-128, 2006
Particle trapping in three-dimensional fully developed turbulence
L Biferale, G Boffetta, A Celani, A Lanotte, F Toschi
Physics of Fluids 17 (2), 2005
Relative dispersion in fully developed turbulence: the Richardson’s law and intermittency corrections
G Boffetta, IM Sokolov
Physical review letters 88 (9), 094501, 2002
Computation of the direct scattering transform for the nonlinear Schrödinger equation
G Boffetta, AR Osborne
Journal of computational physics 102 (2), 252-264, 1992
Evidence for the double cascade scenario in two-dimensional turbulence
G Boffetta, S Musacchio
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 82 (1 …, 2010
Growth of noninfinitesimal perturbations in turbulence
E Aurell, G Boffetta, A Crisanti, G Paladin, A Vulpiani
Physical review letters 77 (7), 1262, 1996
Incompressible rayleigh–taylor turbulence
G Boffetta, A Mazzino
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 49 (1), 119-143, 2017
Chaotic advection in point vortex models and two‐dimensional turbulence
A Babiano, G Boffetta, A Provenzale, A Vulpiani
Physics of fluids 6 (7), 2465-2474, 1994
Energy and enstrophy fluxes in the double cascade of two-dimensional turbulence
G Boffetta
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 589, 253-260, 2007
Lagrangian statistics of particle pairs in homogeneous isotropic turbulence
L Biferale, G Boffetta, A Celani, BJ Devenish, A Lanotte, F Toschi
Physics of Fluids 17 (11), 2005
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