J. C. Moure
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Embedded real-time stereo estimation via semi-global matching on the GPU
D Hernandez-Juarez, A Chacón, A Espinosa, D Vázquez, JC Moure, ...
Procedia Computer Science 80, 143-153, 2016
Fast gap-affine pairwise alignment using the wavefront algorithm
S Marco-Sola, JC Moure, M Moreto, A Espinosa
Bioinformatics 37 (4), 456-463, 2021
Slanted stixels: Representing San Francisco's steepest streets
D Hernandez-Juarez, L Schneider, A Espinosa, D Vázquez, AM López, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1707.05397, 2017
GPU-based pedestrian detection for autonomous driving
V Campmany, S Silva, A Espinosa, JC Moure, D Vázquez, AM López
Procedia Computer Science 80, 2377-2381, 2016
Thread-cooperative, bit-parallel computation of levenshtein distance on GPU
A Chacón, S Marco-Sola, A Espinosa, P Ribeca, JC Moure
Proceedings of the 28th ACM international conference on Supercomputing, 103-112, 2014
Implementation of the DWT in a GPU through a register-based strategy
P Enfedaque, F Auli-Llinas, JC Moure
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 26 (12), 3394-3406, 2014
The kscalar simulator
JC Moure, DI Rexachs, E Luque
Journal on Educational Resources in Computing (JERIC) 2 (1), 73-116, 2002
Boosting the FM-index on the GPU: Effective techniques to mitigate random memory access
A Chacón, S Marco-Sola, A Espinosa, P Ribeca, JC Moure
IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics 12 (5 …, 2014
n-step FM-Index for Faster Pattern Matching
A Chacón, JC Moure, A Espinosa, P Hernández
Procedia Computer Science 18, 70-79, 2013
Job scheduling for optimizing data locality in Hadoop clusters
A Bezerra, P Hernández, A Espinosa, JC Moure
Proceedings of the 20th European MPI Users' Group Meeting, 271-276, 2013
GPU implementation of bitplane coding with parallel coefficient processing for high performance image compression
P Enfedaque, F Aulı-Llinas, JC Moure
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 28 (8), 2272-2284, 2017
Bitplane image coding with parallel coefficient processing
F Auli-Llinas, P Enfedaque, JC Moure, V Sanchez
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 25 (1), 209-219, 2015
Accelerating edit-distance sequence alignment on GPU using the wavefront algorithm
Q Aguado-Puig, S Marco-Sola, JC Moure, D Castells-Rufas, L Alvarez, ...
IEEE access 10, 63782-63796, 2022
GPU-accelerated real-time stixel computation
D Hernandez-Juarez, A Espinosa, JC Moure, D Vázquez, AM López
2017 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 1054-1062, 2017
WFA-GPU: Gap-affine pairwise alignment using GPUs
Q Aguado-Puig, S Marco-Sola, JC Moure, C Matzoros, D Castells-Rufas, ...
bioRxiv, 2022.04. 18.488374, 2022
Coalition structure generation problems: optimization and parallelization of the IDP algorithm in multicore systems
F Cruz, A Espinosa, JC Moure, J Cerquides, JA Rodriguez‐Aguilar, ...
Concurrency and computation: Practice and experience 29 (5), e3969, 2017
A reconfigurable cache memory with heterogeneous banks
D Benitez, JC Moure, D Rexachs, E Luque
2010 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE 2010 …, 2010
Introducing computational thinking, parallel programming and performance engineering in interdisciplinary studies
E Cesar, A Cortés, A Espinosa, T Margalef, JC Moure, A Sikora, R Suppi
Journal of parallel and distributed computing 105, 116-126, 2017
FM-index on GPU: A cooperative scheme to reduce memory footprint
A Chacón, SM Sola, A Espinosa, P Ribeca, JC Moure
2014 IEEE International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing …, 2014
FPGA acceleration of pre-alignment filters for short read mapping with HLS
D Castells-Rufas, S Marco-Sola, JC Moure, Q Aguado, A Espinosa
IEEE Access 10, 22079-22100, 2022
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