Andrea Apicella
Andrea Apicella
PhD, Federico II University
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A survey on modern trainable activation functions
A Apicella, F Donnarumma, F Isgrò, R Prevete
Neural Networks, 2021
EEG-based measurement system for monitoring student engagement in learning 4.0
A Apicella, P Arpaia, M Frosolone, G Improta, N Moccaldi, A Pollastro
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 5857, 2022
EEG-based detection of emotional valence towards a reproducible measurement of emotions
A Apicella, P Arpaia, G Mastrati, N Moccaldi
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 21615, 2021
A simple and efficient architecture for trainable activation functions
A Apicella, F Isgrò, R Prevete
Neurocomputing 370, 1-15, 2019
High-wearable EEG-based distraction detection in motor rehabilitation
A Apicella, P Arpaia, M Frosolone, N Moccaldi
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 5297, 2021
Enhancement of SSVEPs Classification in BCI-Based Wearable Instrumentation Through Machine Learning Techniques
A Apicella, P Arpaia, E De Benedetto, N Donato, L Duraccio, S Giugliano, ...
IEEE Sensors Journal 22 (9), 9087-9094, 2022
On the effects of data normalization for domain adaptation on EEG data
A Apicella, F Isgrò, A Pollastro, R Prevete
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 123, 106205, 2023
A Survey on EEG-Based Solutions for Emotion Recognition With a Low Number of Channels
A Apicella, P Arpaia, F Isgrò, G Mastrati, N Moccaldi
IEEE Access 10, 117411-117428, 2022
Middle-Level Features for the Explanation of Classification Systems by Sparse Dictionary Methods
A Apicella, F Isgrò, R Prevete, G Tamburrini
International Journal of Neural Systems 30 (08), 2050040, 2020
Impact of Nutritional Factors in Blood Glucose Prediction in Type 1 Diabetes Through Machine Learning
G Annuzzi, A Apicella, P Arpaia, L Bozzetto, S Criscuolo, E De Benedetto, ...
IEEE Access 11, 17104-17115, 2023
Contrastive explanations to classification systems using sparse dictionaries
A Apicella, F Isgrò, R Prevete, G Tamburrini
Image Analysis and Processing–ICIAP 2019: 20th International Conference …, 2019
Adaptive filters in graph convolutional neural networks
A Apicella, F Isgrò, A Pollastro, R Prevete
Pattern Recognition 144, 109867, 2023
Exploiting auto-encoders and segmentation methods for middle-level explanations of image classification systems
A Apicella, S Giugliano, F Isgrò, R Prevete
Knowledge-Based Systems, 109725, 2022
Toward the application of XAI methods in EEG-based systems
A Apicella, F Isgrò, A Pollastro, R Prevete 2022 - Italian Workshop on Explainable Artificial Intelligence (AIxIA), 2022
Explaining classification systems using sparse dictionaries.
A Apicella, F Isgrò, R Prevete, A Sorrentino, G Tamburrini
European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence …, 2019
Employment of Domain Adaptation techniques in SSVEP-based Brain-Computer Interfaces
A Apicella, P Arpaia, E De Benedetto, N Donato, L Duraccio, S Giugliano, ...
IEEE Access, 2023
Electroencephalography correlates of fear of heights in a virtual reality environment
A Apicella, S Barbato, LAB Chacόn, G D'Errico, LT De Paolis, L Maffei, ...
Acta IMEKO 12 (2), 1-7, 2023
Integrating a priori probabilistic knowledge into classification for image description
A Apicella, A Corazza, F Isgro, G Vettigli
2017 IEEE 26th International Conference on Enabling Technologies …, 2017
Integration of Context Information through Probabilistic Ontological Knowledge into Image Classification
A Apicella, A Corazza, F Isgrò, G Vettigli
Information 9 (10), 252, 2018
Instrumentation for eeg-based monitoring of the executive functions in a dual-task framework
L Angrisani, A Apicella, P Arpaia, A Cataldo, AD Calce, A Fullin, ...
25th IMEKO TC-4 International Symposium on Measurement of Electrical …, 2022
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Articles 1–20