Sang-Woon Jeon
Sang-Woon Jeon
Professor of Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Hanyang University
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Aligned interference neutralization and the degrees of freedom of the 2× 2× 2 interference channel
T Gou, SA Jafar, C Wang, SW Jeon, SY Chung
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 58 (7), 4381-4395, 2012
Cognitive networks achieve throughput scaling of a homogeneous network
SW Jeon, N Devroye, M Vu, SY Chung, V Tarokh
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 57 (8), 5103-5115, 2011
Wireless multihop device-to-device caching networks
SW Jeon, SN Hong, M Ji, G Caire, AF Molisch
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 63 (3), 1662 - 1676, 2017
Improved capacity scaling in wireless networks with infrastructure
WY Shin, SW Jeon, N Devroye, MH Vu, SY Chung, YH Lee, V Tarokh
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 57 (8), 5088-5102, 2011
Many-objective job-shop scheduling: A multiple populations for multiple objectives-based genetic algorithm approach
SC Liu, ZG Chen, ZH Zhan, SW Jeon, S Kwong, J Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2021
Degrees of freedom region of a class of multisource Gaussian relay networks
SW Jeon, SY Chung, SA Jafar
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 57 (5), 3032-3044, 2011
A survey on interference networks: Interference alignment and neutralization
SW Jeon, M Gastpar
Entropy 14 (10), 1842-1863, 2012
Caching in wireless multihop device-to-device networks
SW Jeon, SN Hong, M Ji, G Caire
2015 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 6732-6737, 2015
Degrees of freedom of full-duplex multiantenna cellular networks
SH Chae, SH Lim, SW Jeon
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 17 (2), 982-995, 2018
The feasibility of interference alignment for full-duplex MIMO cellular networks
K Kim, SW Jeon, DK Kim
IEEE Communications Letters 19 (9), 1500-1503, 2015
Degrees of freedom of uplink-downlink multiantenna cellular networks
SW Jeon, C Suh
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 62 (8), 4589-4603, 2016
Capacity of a class of linear binary field multi-source relay networks
SW Jeon, SY Chung
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 59 (10), 6405–6420, 2013
Heterogeneous cognitive learning particle swarm optimization for large-scale optimization problems
E Zhang, Z Nie, Q Yang, Y Wang, D Liu, SW Jeon, J Zhang
Information Sciences 633, 321-342, 2023
The feasibility of interference alignment for MIMO interfering broadcast-multiple-access channels
SW Jeon, K Kim, J Yang, DK Kim
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 16 (7), 4614-4625, 2017
Opportunistic function computation for wireless sensor networks
SW Jeon, BC Jung
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 15 (6), 4045-4059, 2016
Distributed and expensive evolutionary constrained optimization with on-demand evaluation
FF Wei, WN Chen, Q Li, SW Jeon, J Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 2022
Computation over Gaussian networks with orthogonal components
SW Jeon, CY Wang, M Gastpar
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 60 (12), 7841-7861, 2014
Stochastic cognitive dominance leading particle swarm optimization for multimodal problems
Q Yang, L Hua, X Gao, D Xu, Z Lu, SW Jeon, J Zhang
Mathematics 10 (5), 761, 2022
Online learning for joint beam tracking and pattern optimization in massive MIMO systems
J Jeong, SH Lim, Y Song, SW Jeon
IEEE INFOCOM 2020-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, 764-773, 2020
Proximity ranking-based multimodal differential evolution
J Zhang, D Chen, Q Yang, Y Wang, D Liu, SW Jeon, J Zhang
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 78, 101277, 2023
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