Antonio Teixeira
Antonio Teixeira
Professor, DETI, IT, universidade aveiro, portugal
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Clinical features and prognostic factors of listeriosis: the MONALISA national prospective cohort study
C Charlier, É Perrodeau, A Leclercq, B Cazenave, B Pilmis, B Henry, ...
The Lancet Infectious Diseases 17 (5), 510-519, 2017
Toward an efficient C-RAN optical fronthaul for the future networks: A tutorial on technologies, requirements, challenges, and solutions
IA Alimi, AL Teixeira, PP Monteiro
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 20 (1), 708-769, 2017
Terahertz technologies to deliver optical network quality of experience in wireless systems beyond 5G
AAA Boulogeorgos, A Alexiou, T Merkle, C Schubert, R Elschner, ...
IEEE Communications Magazine 56 (6), 144-151, 2018
Optical performance monitoring: advanced techniques for next-generation photonic networks
CCK Chan
Academic Press, 2010
Next-generation FTTH passive optical networks: research towards unlimited bandwidth access
J Prat
Springer Netherlands, 2008
Coherent ultra dense WDM technology for next generation optical metro and access networks
H Rohde, E Gottwald, A Teixeira, JD Reis, A Shahpari, K Pulverer, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 32 (10), 2041-2052, 2014
Coherent access: A review
A Shahpari, RM Ferreira, RS Luis, Z Vujicic, FP Guiomar, JD Reis, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 35 (4), 1050-1058, 2017
Mitigation of intra-channel nonlinearities using a frequency-domain Volterra series equalizer
FP Guiomar, JD Reis, AL Teixeira, AN Pinto
Optics express 20 (2), 1360-1369, 2012
Terabit+ (192× 10 Gb/s) Nyquist shaped UDWDM coherent PON with upstream and downstream over a 12.8 nm band
JD Reis, A Shahpari, R Ferreira, S Ziaie, DM Neves, M Lima, AL Teixeira
Journal of Lightwave Technology 32 (4), 729-735, 2013
Optical wireless transmission at () for next-generation convergent urban infrastructures
G Parca, A Shahpari, V Carrozzo, GM Tosi Beleffi, ALJ Teixeira
Optical Engineering 52 (11), 116102-116102, 2013
Scalable extended reach PON
JA Lazaro, J Part, P Chanclou, GMT Beleffi, A Teixeira, I Tomkos, R Soila, ...
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, OThL2, 2008
Architectural optimization of coherent ultra-dense WDM based optical access networks
JD Reis, AL Teixeira
2011 Optical Fiber Communication Conference and Exposition and the National …, 2011
Digital postcompensation using Volterra series transfer function
FP Guiomar, JD Reis, AL Teixeira, AN Pinto
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 23 (19), 1412-1414, 2011
Coherent Nyquist UDWDM-PON with digital signal processing in real time
RM Ferreira, JD Reis, SM Rossi, SB Amado, FP Guiomar, A Shahpari, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 34 (2), 826-833, 2016
Free space optical technologies
DM Forin, G Incerti, GMT Beleffi, ALJ Teixeira, LN Costa, PSDB Andrè, ...
Trends in Telecommunications Technologies, 2010
Challenges and opportunities of optical wireless communication technologies
I Alimi, A Shahpari, A Sousa, R Ferreira, P Monteiro, A Teixeira
Optical communication technology 10, 2017
Performance optimization of Nyquist signaling for spectrally efficient optical access networks
JD Reis, A Shahpari, R Ferreira, DM Neves, M Lima, AL Teixeira
Journal of Optical Communications and Networking 7 (2), A200-A208, 2015
Efficient use of hybrid genetic algorithms in the gain optimization of distributed Raman amplifiers
B Neto, ALJ Teixeira, N Wada, PS André
Optics express 15 (26), 17520-17528, 2007
Modeling of bend losses in single-mode optical fibers
A Martins, AM Rocha, B Neto, ALJ Teixeira, M Facão, RN Nogueira, ...
Institutu de Telecomunicacoes, Portugal 3, 2009
Results from EU project SARDANA on 10G extended reach WDM PONs
J Prat, J Lazaro, P Chanclou, R Soila, AM Gallardo, A Teixeira, ...
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, OThG5, 2010
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