Kaitlin T. Raimi
Kaitlin T. Raimi
Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan
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Positive and Negative Spillover of Pro-environmental Behavior: An Integrative Review and Theoretical Framework
HB Truelove, AR Carrico, E Weber, KT Raimi, MP Vandenbergh
Global Environmental Change 29, 127–138, 2014
Cognitive and interpersonal features of intellectual humility
MR Leary, KJ Diebels, EK Davisson, KP Jongman-Sereno, JC Isherwood, ...
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 2017
Looking while unhappy: Mood-congruent gaze in young adults, positive gaze in older adults
DM Isaacowitz, K Toner, D Goren, HR Wilson
Psychological Science 19 (9), 848-853, 2008
Meta-analysis of pro-environmental behaviour spillover
A Maki, AR Carrico, KT Raimi, HB Truelove, B Araujo, KL Yeung
Nature Sustainability 2, 301-315, 2019
Feeling Superior Is a Bipartisan Issue: Extremity (Not Direction) of Political Views Predicts Perceived Belief Superiority
K Toner, MR Leary, MW Asher, KP Jongman-Sereno
Psychological science 24 (12), 2454– 2462, 2013
Use of gaze for real-time mood regulation: effects of age and attentional functioning.
DM Isaacowitz, K Toner, SD Neupert
Psychology and aging 24 (4), 989, 2009
From plastic bottle recycling to policy support: An experimental test of pro-environmental spillover
HB Truelove, KL Yeung, AR Carrico, AJ Gillis, KT Raimi
Journal of Environmental Psychology, 2016
Will Millennials save the world? The effect of age and generational differences on environmental concern.
SG Gray, KT Raimi, RS Wilson, J Arvai
Journal of Environmental Management 242, 394-402, 2019
Intellectual humility and reactions to opinions about religious beliefs
CR Hopkins, RH Hoyle, K Toner
Journal of Psychology and Theology, 2013
Putting your money where your mouth is: An experimental test of pro-environmental spillover from reducing meat consumption to monetary donations.
AR Carrico, B Raimi, Kaitlin T., Truelove, Heather Barnes, & Eby
Environment & Behavior, 2017
Public support for carbon dioxide removal strategies: The role of tampering with nature perceptions.
KW Wolske, KT Raimi, V Campbell-Arvai, PS Hart
Climatic Change 152, 345-361, 2019
The influence of learning about carbon dioxide removal (CDR) on support for mitigation policies.
V Campbell-Arvai, PS Hart, KT Raimi, KS Wolske
Climatic Change, 2017
Understanding and beliefs about smart energy technology
KT Raimi, AR Carrico
Energy Research & Social Science 12, 68-74, 2016
Distinguishing intrapsychic from interpersonal motives in psychological theory and research.
MR Leary, KT Raimi, KP Jongman-Sereno, K & Diebels
Perspectives on Psychological Science 10 (4), 497–517, 2015
Is belief superiority justified by superior knowledge?
MP Hall, KT Raimi
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 76, 290-306, 2018
Belief superiority in the environmental domain: Attitude extremity and reactions to fracking
KT Raimi, MR Leary
Journal of Environmental Psychology 40, 76-85, 2014
The Impact of Individual and Group Feedback on Environmental Intentions and Self-Beliefs
K Toner, M Gan, MR Leary
Environment and Behavior 46 (1), 24– 45, 2014
From moral hazard to risk-response feedback
J Jebari, OO Táíwò, TM Andrews, V Aquila, B Beckage, M Belaia, ...
Climate Risk Management 33, 100324, 2021
Framing of geoengineering affects support for climate change mitigation.
KT Raimi, A Maki, D Dana, MP Vandenbergh
Environmental Communication 13 (3), 300-319, 2019
Environmental peer persuasion: How moral exporting and belief superiority relate to efforts to influence others
A Maki, KT Raimi
Journal of Environmental Psychology 49, 18-29, 2017
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Articles 1–20