Mahdi Khodabandeh
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Cited by
Adaptive Fractional Order Sliding Mode Control for a Quadrotor with a Varying Load
M Vahdanipour, M Khodabandeh
Aerospace Science and Technology 86, 737-747, 2019
A novel nonlinear hybrid controller design for an uncertain quadrotor with disturbances
A Modirrousta, M Khodabandeh
Aerospace Science and Technology 45, 294-308, 2015
Adaptive non-singular terminal sliding mode controller: new design for full control of the quadrotor with external disturbances
A Modirrousta, M Khodabandeh
Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 39 (3), 371-383, 2017
A distributed solar collector field temperature profile control and estimation using inlet oil temperature and radiation estimates based on Iterative Extended Kalman Filter
M Karamali, M Khodabandeh
Renewable Energy 101, 144-155, 2017
Adaptive robust sliding mode controller design for full control of quadrotor with external disturbances
A Modirrousta, M Khodabandeh
2014 Second RSI/ISM International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics …, 2014
Model predictive control with state estimation and adaptation mechanism for a continuous stirred tank reactor
M Khodabandeh, H Bolandi
2007 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems, 1466-1471, 2007
Adaptive Second Order Terminal Backstepping Sliding Mode for Attitude Control of Quadrotor with External Disturbances
A Modirrousta, M Khodabandeh
Majlesi Journal of Electrical Engineering 9 (2), 51-58, 2015
Uncertainty Evaluation for an Ultrasonic Data Fusion Based Target Differentiation Problem using Generalized Aggregated Uncertainty Measure 2
M Khodabandeh, A Mohammad-Shahri
Measurement 59, 139-144, 2015
Variable pitch control of a quadrotor using adaptive sliding mode controller
M Mosalsal, M Khodabandeh
Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology 95 (2), 246-264, 2023
Estimation of the collapse potential of loess soils in Golestan Province using neural networks and neuro-fuzzy systems
T Salehi, M Shokrian, A Modirrousta, M Khodabandeh, M Heidari
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 8 (11), 9557-9567, 2015
Uncertainty evaluation for a Dezert–Smarandache theory-based localization problem
M Khodabandeh, AM Shahri
International Journal of General Systems 43 (6), 610-632, 2014
Quadrotor attitude and altitude tracking control using finite discrete-time linear quadratic tracking controller
AM Aghazamani, M Khodabandeh, R Razavi-Far, J Zarei, M Saif
IFAC-PapersOnLine 55 (10), 2962-2967, 2022
Two generalizations of aggregated uncertainty measure for evaluation of Dezert–Smarandache theory
M Khodabandeh, A Mohammad-Shahri
International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making 11 (01 …, 2012
Design of an Adaptive Integral Sliding Mode Control for Robust and Finite Time Stabilization for a Quadrotor
A Modirrousta, M Khodabandeh
Tabriz Journal of Electrical Engineering 46 (1), 321-332, 2016
Unfalsified control design using a generalized cost function for a quadrotor
A Hokmabadi, M Khodabandeh
Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology 93 (2), 241-250, 2021
Back-stepping Based Sliding Mode Control for a Quadrotor with Payload Disturbance Elimination and Moment of Inertia Estimation Using Adaptive Methods
M Vahdanipour, M Khodabandeh
Tabriz Journal of Electrical Engineering 47 (2), 775-783, 2017
Adaptive fractional-order back stepping control for tracking and estimation of moment of inertia matrix of a quadrotor
M Vahdanipour, M Khodabandeh
International Journal of Dynamics and Control 12 (2), 463–476, 2023
Variable-Pitch Control of a Quadrotor Using Feedback Linearization Controller and Direct Adaptive Feedback Linearization Controller
M Mosalsal, M Khodabandeh
Journal Of Applied and Computational Sciences in Mechanics 31 (2), 2020
Experimental study of uncertainty measures with sensor fusion techniques
M Khodabandeh, A Mohammad-Shahri
2010 2nd International Asia Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation …, 2010
Fault-tolerant adaptive fractional order sliding mode control for a quadrotor using disturbance observer
AM Aghazamani, M Khodabandeh
Journal of Control and Decision 11 (4), 689-706, 2024
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Articles 1–20