Patricio E. Ramírez Correa, Ph.D.
Patricio E. Ramírez Correa, Ph.D.
Full Professor, Universidad Católica del Norte (Chile)
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Cited by
A comparison of the different versions of popular technology acceptance models: a non-linear perspective
FJ Rondan-Cataluña, J Arenas-Gaitan, PE Ramírez-Correa
Kybernetes 44 (5), 788 - 805, 2015
Analysing the acceptation of online games in mobile devices: An application of UTAUT2
P Ramírez-Correa, FJ Rondán-Cataluña, J Arenas-Gaitán, ...
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 50, 85-93, 2019
Gender and Acceptance of E-Learning: A Multi-Group Analysis Based on a Structural Equation Model among College Students in Chile and Spain
P Ramírez-Correa, J Arenas-Gaitán, FJ Rondán-Cataluña
PLoS ONE 10 (10), e0140460, 2015
Moderating effect of learning styles on a learning management system’s success
PE Ramirez-Correa, FJ Rondan-Cataluña, J Arenas-Gaitán, ...
Telematics and Informatics 34 (1), 272-286, 2017
Cross cultural analysis of the use and perceptions of web based learning systems
J Arenas-Gaitán, PE Ramírez-Correa, F Javier Rondán-Cataluña
Computers & Education 57 (2), 1762-1774, 2011
Propuesta Metodológica para aplicar modelos de ecuaciones estructurales con PLS: El caso del uso de las bases de datos científicas en estudiantes universitarios
PE Ramírez, AM Mariano, EA Salazar
Revista ADMpg Gestão Estratégica 7 (2), 133-139, 2014
Social identity, electronic word-of-mouth and referrals in social network services
J Arenas-Gaitan, FJ Rondan-Cataluña, PE Ramírez-Correa
Kybernetes 42 (8), 1149-1165, 2013
Explaining the use of social network sites as seen by older adults: The enjoyment component of a hedonic information system
P Ramírez-Correa, EE Grandón, M Ramírez-Santana, L Belmar Órdenes
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (10), 1673, 2019
Felicidad y Rendimiento Académico: Efecto Moderador de la Felicidad sobre Indicadores de Selección y Rendimiento Académico de Alumnos de Ingeniería Comercial
PE Ramírez, CA Fuentes
Formación universitaria 6 (3), 21-30, 2013
Influencia del Género en la Percepción y Adopción de e-Learning: Estudio Exploratorio en una Universidad Chilena
PE Ramírez-Correa, FJ Rondán-Cataluña, J Arenas-Gaitán
Journal of technology management & innovation 5 (3), 129-141, 2010
Assessing differences in customers’ personal disposition to e-commerce
PE Ramírez-Correa, EE Grandón, J Arenas-Gaitán
Industrial management & data systems 119 (4), 792-820, 2019
Telemedicine Acceptance during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Empirical Example of Robust Consistent Partial Least Squares Path Modeling
P Ramírez-Correa, C Ramírez-Rivas, J Alfaro-Pérez, A Melo-Mariano
Symmetry 12 (10), 1593, 2020
Meta-análisis sobre la implantación de sistemas de planificación de recursos empresariales (ERP)
PE Ramírez-Correa, R García-Cruz
Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management 2 (3), 245-273, 2005
Managers/owners’ innovativeness and electronic commerce acceptance in Chilean SMEs: A multi-group analysis based on a structural equation model
EE Grandón, P Ramírez-Correa
Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research 13 (3), 1-16, 2018
Users segmentation based on the Technological Readiness Adoption Index in emerging countries: The case of Chile
P Ramírez-Correa, E Grandón, FJ Rondán-Cataluña
Technological Forecasting & Social Change 155 (120035), 2020
Innovativeness and factors that affect the information technology adoption in the classroom by primary teachers in Chile.
VA Lopez-Perez, PE Ramirez-Correa, EE Grandon
Informatics in Education 18 (1), 165-181, 2019
Complexity of understanding consumer behavior from the marketing perspective
J Arenas-Gaitán, B Sanz-Altamira, PE Ramírez-Correa
Complexity 2019, 2019
Predicción de la Deserción Académica en una Universidad Pública Chilena a través de la Clasificación basada en Árboles de Decisión con Parámetros Optimizados
PE Ramírez, EE Grandón
Formación universitaria 11 (3), 3-10, 2018
Predicting behavioral intention of mobile Internet usage
P Ramirez-Correa, FJ Rondan-Cataluña, J Arenas-Gaitán
Telematics and Informatics, doi:10.1016/j.tele.2015.04.006, 2015
The Influence of Xenocentrism on Purchase Intentions of the Consumer: The Mediating Role of Product Attitudes
L Camacho, C Salazar-Concha, P Ramírez-Correa
Sustainability 12 (4), 1647, 2020
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Articles 1–20