Decoupled double synchronous reference frame PLL for power converters control P Rodríguez, J Pou, J Bergas, JI Candela, RP Burgos, D Boroyevich IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 22 (2), 584-592, 2007 | 1806 | 2007 |
A generalized voltage droop strategy for control of multiterminal DC grids K Rouzbehi, A Miranian, JI Candela, A Luna, P Rodriguez IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 51 (1), 607-618, 2014 | 341 | 2014 |
Grid voltage synchronization for distributed generation systems under grid fault conditions A Luna, J Rocabert, JI Candela, JR Hermoso, R Teodorescu, F Blaabjerg, ... IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 51 (4), 3414-3425, 2015 | 238 | 2015 |
Centralized protection strategy for medium voltage DC microgrids M Monadi, C Gavriluta, A Luna, JI Candela, P Rodriguez IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 32 (1), 430-440, 2016 | 214 | 2016 |
Protection of AC and DC distribution systems Embedding distributed energy resources: A comparative review and analysis M Monadi, MA Zamani, JI Candela, A Luna, P Rodriguez Renewable and sustainable energy reviews 51, 1578-1593, 2015 | 176 | 2015 |
Intelligent connection agent for three-phase grid-connected microgrids J Rocabert, GMS Azevedo, A Luna, JM Guerrero, JI Candela, ... IEEE Transactions on power electronics 26 (10), 2993-3005, 2011 | 166 | 2011 |
Flexible grid connection and islanding of SPC-based PV power converters P Rodriguez, C Citro, JI Candela, J Rocabert, A Luna IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 54 (3), 2690-2702, 2018 | 154 | 2018 |
Control of energy storage system integrating electrochemical batteries and supercapacitors for grid-connected applications J Rocabert, R Capo-Misut, RS Muñoz-Aguilar, JI Candela, P Rodriguez IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 55 (2), 1853-1862, 2018 | 146 | 2018 |
Control of grid-connected power converters based on a virtual admittance control loop P Rodriguez, I Candela, C Citro, J Rocabert, A Luna 2013 15th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE), 1-10, 2013 | 142 | 2013 |
Flexible control of power flow in multiterminal DC grids using DC–DC converter K Rouzbehi, JI Candela, A Luna, GB Gharehpetian, P Rodriguez IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 4 (3 …, 2016 | 113 | 2016 |
Current harmonics cancellation in three-phase four-wire systems by using a four-branch star filtering topology P Rodriguez, JI Candela, A Luna, L Asiminoaei, R Teodorescu, ... IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 24 (8), 1939-1950, 2009 | 107 | 2009 |
Harmonic compensation analysis in offshore wind power plants using hybrid filters KNBM Hasan, K Rauma, A Luna, JI Candela, P Rodríguez IEEE Transactions on industry applications 50 (3), 2050-2060, 2013 | 88 | 2013 |
Adaptive droop for control of multiterminal DC bus integrating energy storage C Gavriluta, JI Candela, J Rocabert, A Luna, P Rodriguez IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 30 (1), 16-24, 2015 | 79 | 2015 |
Multi‐terminal medium voltage DC grids fault location and isolation M Monadi, C Koch‐Ciobotaru, A Luna, J Ignacio Candela, P Rodriguez IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 10 (14), 3517-3528, 2016 | 77 | 2016 |
A protection strategy for fault detection and location for multi-terminal MVDC distribution systems with renewable energy systems M Monadi, C Koch-Ciobotaru, A Luna, JI Candela, P Rodriguez 2014 international conference on renewable energy research and application …, 2014 | 74 | 2014 |
Unified reference controller for flexible primary control and inertia sharing in multi‐terminal voltage source converter‐HVDC grids K Rouzbehi, W Zhang, J Ignacio Candela, A Luna, P Rodriguez IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 11 (3), 750-758, 2017 | 72 | 2017 |
Frequency support properties of the synchronous power control for grid-connected converters W Zhang, A Tarraso, J Rocabert, A Luna, JI Candela, P Rodriguez IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 55 (5), 5178-5189, 2019 | 68 | 2019 |
Decentralized primary control of MTDC networks with energy storage and distributed generation C Gavriluta, JI Candela, C Citro, J Rocabert, A Luna, P Rodríguez IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 50 (6), 4122-4131, 2014 | 68 | 2014 |
Multiterminal DC grids: Operating analogies to AC power systems K Rouzbehi, JI Candela, GB Gharehpetian, L Harnefors, A Luna, ... Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 70, 886-895, 2017 | 57 | 2017 |
Control of D-STATCOM during unbalanced grid faults based on DC voltage oscillations and peak current limitations A Khoshooei, JS Moghani, I Candela, P Rodriguez IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 54 (2), 1680-1690, 2017 | 56 | 2017 |