Simon Jackson
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Cited by
Measures of the Trait of Confidence
L Stankov, S Kleitman, SA Jackson
Measures of Personality and Social Psychological Constructs. G. J. Boyle, D …, 2014
Individual differences in decision-making and confidence: capturing decision tendencies in a fictitious medical test
SA Jackson, S Kleitman
Metacognition and Learning 9, 25-49, 2014
Effects of sleep deprivation on executive functioning, cognitive abilities, metacognitive confidence, and decision making
E Aidman, SA Jackson, S Kleitman
Applied cognitive psychology 33 (2), 188-200, 2019
Cognitive abilities, monitoring confidence, and control thresholds explain individual differences in heuristics and biases
SA Jackson, S Kleitman, P Howie, L Stankov
Frontiers in Psychology 7, 1559, 2016
Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for very high-risk transcatheter aortic valve implantation
M Seco, P Forrest, SA Jackson, G Martinez, S Andvik, PG Bannon, M Ng, ...
Heart, Lung and Circulation 23 (10), 957-962, 2014
Individual differences in decision making depend on cognitive abilities, monitoring and control
SA Jackson, S Kleitman, L Stankov, P Howie
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 30 (2), 209-223, 2017
Dimensionality of the Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices: Sex differences and visuospatial ability
NA Waschl, T Nettelbeck, SA Jackson, NR Burns
Personality and Individual Differences 100, 157-166, 2016
Low cognitive load and reduced arousal impede practice effects on executive functioning, metacognitive confidence and decision making
SA Jackson, S Kleitman, E Aidman
PloS one 9 (12), e115689, 2014
Quality of life and functional outcomes following pelvic exenteration and sacrectomy
ASE McCarthy, MJ Solomon, CE Koh, A Firouzbakht, SA Jackson, ...
Colorectal Disease 22 (5), 521-528, 2020
Decision pattern analysis as a general framework for studying individual differences in decision making
SA Jackson, S Kleitman, L Stankov, P Howie
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 29 (4), 392-408, 2016
First large‐scale quantification study of DNA preservation in insects from natural history collections using genome‐wide sequencing
VE Mullin, W Stephen, AN Arce, W Nash, C Raine, DG Notton, A Whiffin, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14 (2), 360-371, 2023
Collective decision making reduces metacognitive control and increases error rates, particularly for overconfident individuals
MD Blanchard, SA Jackson, S Kleitman
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 2020
It's the deceiver, not the receiver: No individual differences when detecting deception in a foreign and a native language
MKH Law, SA Jackson, E Aidman, M Geiger, S Olderbak, S Kleitman
PloS One 13 (5), e0196384, 2018
Individual differences in decision-making and confidence: Capturing decision tendencies in a fictitious medical test. Metacognition and Learning, 9 (1), 25–49
SA Jackson, S Kleitman
Signatures of increasing environmental stress in bumblebee wings over the past century: Insights from museum specimens
AN Arce, A Cantwell‐Jones, M Tansley, I Barnes, S Brace, VE Mullin, ...
Journal of animal ecology 92 (2), 297-309, 2023
Acute short-term sleep deprivation does not affect metacognitive monitoring captured by confidence ratings: A systematic literature review
SA Jackson, GD Martin, E Aidman, S Kleitman
Metacognition and Learning 13, 39-56, 2018
Caffeine may disrupt the impact of real-time drowsiness on cognitive performance: a double-blind, placebo-controlled small-sample study
E Aidman, M Balin, K Johnson, S Jackson, GM Paech, M Pajcin, C Yates, ...
Scientific reports 11 (1), 4027, 2021
Greater response cardinality indirectly reduces confidence
SA Jackson
Journal of Cognitive Psychology 28 (4), 496-504, 2016
Applying Evidence-Centered Design to Measure Psychological Resilience: The Development and Preliminary Validation of a Novel Simulation-Based Assessment Methodology
S Kleitman, SA Jackson, LM Zhang, MD Blanchard, NB Rizvandi, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 717568, 2022
Individual differences in metacognitive feelings of confidence: The generality and predictive validity of judgement confidence and its calibration in a medical decision-making task
S Jackson, S Kleitman
Personality and Individual Differences 60, S32, 2014
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Articles 1–20