Jamie Barden
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Cited by
Contextual moderation of racial bias: the impact of social roles on controlled and automatically activated attitudes.
J Barden, WW Maddux, RE Petty, MB Brewer
Journal of personality and social psychology 87 (1), 5, 2004
Happiness versus sadness as a determinant of thought confidence in persuasion: a self-validation analysis.
P Briņol, RE Petty, J Barden
Journal of Personality and Social psychology 93 (5), 711, 2007
The mere perception of elaboration creates attitude certainty: exploring the thoughtfulness heuristic.
J Barden, RE Petty
Journal of personality and social psychology 95 (3), 489, 2008
The elaboration likelihood model of persuasion: Developing health promotions for sustained behavioral change
RE Petty, J Barden, SC Wheeler
Emerging theories in health promotion practice and research 2, 185-214, 2009
Narcissism and academic dishonesty: The exhibitionism dimension and the lack of guilt
AB Brunell, S Staats, J Barden, JM Hupp
Personality and Individual Differences 50 (3), 323-328, 2011
“Saying one thing and doing another”: Examining the impact of event order on hypocrisy judgments of others
J Barden, DD Rucker, RE Petty
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 31 (11), 1463-1474, 2005
Saying no to negativity: The effects of context and motivation to control prejudice on automatic evaluative responses
WW Maddux, J Barden, MB Brewer, RE Petty
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 41 (1), 19-35, 2005
The elaboration likelihood model of persuasion: Health promotions that yield sustained behavioral change
RE Petty, J Barden, SC Wheeler
Emerging theories in health promotion practice and research, 71-99, 2002
GY Bizer, JC Barden, RE Petty
Encyclopedia of cognitive science, 2006
Choosing an HBCU: An opportunity to pursue racial self-development
D Van Camp, J Barden, LR Sloan, RP Clarke
Journal of Negro Education 78 (4), 457-468, 2009
Predictors of black students’ race-related reasons for choosing an HBCU and intentions to engage in racial identity—relevant behaviors
D Van Camp, J Barden, LR Sloan
Journal of Black Psychology 36 (2), 226-250, 2010
Elaboration and attitude strength: The new meta‐cognitive perspective
J Barden, ZL Tormala
Social and personality psychology compass 8 (1), 17-29, 2014
Order of actions mitigates hypocrisy judgments for ingroup more than outgroup members
J Barden, DD Rucker, RE Petty, K Rios
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 17 (5), 590-601, 2014
Social and Individual Religious Orientations Exist Within Both Intrinsic and Extrinsic Religiosity
D Van Camp, J Barden, L Sloan
Archive for the Psychology of Religion 38 (1), 22-46, 2016
Stereotype validation: The effects of activating negative stereotypes after intellectual performance.
JK Clark, KC Thiem, J Barden, JOR Stuart, AT Evans
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 108 (4), 531, 2015
Face recognition in the presence of angry expressions: A target-race effect rather than a cross-race effect
JD Gwinn, J Barden, CM Judd
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 58, 1-10, 2015
J Barden, RE Petty
Academic Press, 2012
A comprehensive process from antecedents of elaboration to strength consequences: Mediation by the perception of the extent of elaboration
JC Barden
The Ohio State University, 2005
The elaboration likelihood model of persuasion. In: DiClemente RJ, Crosby R, Keyler MC, editors. Emerging Theories in Health Promotion Practice and Research-Strategies for …
RE Petty, J Barden, SC Wheeler
Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 1986
Aarts, Henk, 46 Achenreiner, Gwen B., 242 Adamy, Janet, 237 Adelman, Mara B., 342 Advertising Age, 218
CR Agnew, M Ahearne, R Ahluwalia, LS Aiken, MT Aiken, KL Ailawadi, ...
Handbook of Brand Relationships, 405, 2014
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