Matthew R Bennion
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Cited by
E-therapies in England for stress, anxiety or depression: what is being used in the NHS? A survey of mental health services
MR Bennion, G Hardy, RK Moore, A Millings
BMJ open 7 (1), e014844, 2017
A virtual agent to support individuals living with physical and mental comorbidities: co-design and acceptability testing
K Easton, S Potter, R Bec, M Bennion, H Christensen, C Grindell, ...
Journal of medical Internet research 21 (5), e12996, 2019
Usability, acceptability, and effectiveness of web-based conversational agents to facilitate problem solving in older adults: controlled study
MR Bennion, GE Hardy, RK Moore, S Kellett, A Millings
Journal of medical Internet research 22 (5), e16794, 2020
Acceptability and effectiveness of NHS-recommended e-therapies for depression, anxiety, and stress: meta-analysis
M Simmonds-Buckley, MR Bennion, S Kellett, A Millings, GE Hardy, ...
Journal of medical Internet research 22 (10), e17049, 2020
e-Therapies in England for stress, anxiety or depression: how are apps developed? A survey of NHS e-therapy developers
MR Bennion, GE Hardy, RK Moore, S Kellett, A Millings
BMJ health & care informatics 26 (1), 2019
COBALT, TUNGSTEN, and THAW: New tools for engaging older adults as technology experts
AJ Astell, J Andrews, M Bennion, D Clayton, E Dove, MP Ellis, F Hwang, ...
Gerontechnology 17, 77s, 2018
E-therapies in England for stress, anxiety or depression: what is being used in the NHS? A survey of mental health services. BMJ Open. 2017 Jan 23; 7 (1): e014844. 10.1136 …
MR Bennion, G Hardy, RK Moore, A Millings
An unguided web-based resilience training programme for NHS keyworkers during the COVID-19 pandemic: A usability study
MR Bennion, F Baker, J Burrell
Journal of Technology in Behavioral Science 7 (2), 125-129, 2022
Technology for healthy aging and wellbeing: co-producing solutions
AJ Astell, JA Andrews, MR Bennion, D Clayton
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 745947, 2021
Co-designing and testing the acceptability of a virtual agent to support self-management for individuals living with physical and mental comorbidities
K Easton, S Potter, R Bec, M Bennion, H Christensen, C Grindell, ...
Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2019
An Investigation Into E-therapies for Older Adults
MR Bennion
University of Sheffield, 2018
Resilience Training Web App for National Health Service Keyworkers: Pilot Usability Study
J Burrell, F Baker, MR Bennion
JMIR Medical Education 11, e51101, 2025
Digital capability, open-source use, and interoperability standards within the NHS in England: A survey of healthcare trusts
MR Bennion, R Spencer, RK Moore, R Kenyon
JMIR Publications, 2024
A resilience training web app for NHS keyworkers: a pilot usability and feasibility study (Preprint)
J Burrell, F Baker, M Bennion
JMIR Publications, 2023
Developing and Testing an AI Empathy Agent
F Sirois, H Christensen, I Tucker, A Millings, K Easton, P Radin, ...
My NHS Mental Health Exemplar pitch
MR Bennion
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Articles 1–16