afshin ebrahimi
afshin ebrahimi
Professor of Electrical Engineering, Sahand University of Technology
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NOMA inspired cooperative relaying system using an AF relay
O Abbasi, A Ebrahimi, N Mokari
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 8 (1), 261-264, 2018
A novel hybrid approach for predicting wind farm power production based on wavelet transform, hybrid neural networks and imperialist competitive algorithm
A Aghajani, R Kazemzadeh, A Ebrahimi
Energy conversion and management 121, 232-240, 2016
A pictorial dictionary for printed farsi subwords
A Ebrahimi, E Kabir
Pattern recognition letters 29 (5), 656-663, 2008
Exergoeconomic analysis and optimization of a triple-pressure combined cycle plant using evolutionary algorithm
SK Bakhshmand, RK Saray, K Bahlouli, H Eftekhari, A Ebrahimi
Energy 93, 555-567, 2015
Trajectory design and power allocation for drone-assisted NR-V2X network with dynamic NOMA/OMA
O Abbasi, H Yanikomeroglu, A Ebrahimi, NM Yamchi
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 19 (11), 7153-7168, 2020
Cooperative NOMA with full‐duplex amplify‐and‐forward relaying
O Abbasi, A Ebrahimi
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 29 (7), e3421, 2018
Time-varying singular value decomposition analysis of electrodermal activity: A novel method of cognitive load estimation
P Ghaderyan, A Abbasi, A Ebrahimi
Measurement 126, 102-109, 2018
A wideband noise cancelling balun LNA employing current reuse technique
R Eskandari, A Ebrahimi, J Sobhi
Microelectronics journal 76, 1-7, 2018
Secrecy analysis of a NOMA system with full duplex and half duplex relay
O Abbasi, A Ebrahimi
2017 Iran workshop on communication and information theory (IWCIT), 1-6, 2017
Printed persian subword recognition using wavelet packet descriptors
S Nasrollahi, A Ebrahimi
Journal of Engineering 2013 (1), 465469, 2013
Analysis and suppression of spurious modes of the ring shape anchored RF MEMS contour mode disk resonator
M Baghelani, HB Ghavifekr, A Ebrahimi
Microsystem technologies 17, 1599-1609, 2011
Design of RF MEMS based oscillatory neural network for ultra high speed associative memories
M Baghelani, A Ebrahimi, HB Ghavifekr
Neural processing letters 40, 93-102, 2014
Damage diagnosis in bridges using wavelet
M Golmohamadi, H Badri, A Ebrahimi
International proceedings of computer science and information technology …, 2012
Optimal energy storage sizing and offering strategy for the presence of wind power plant with energy storage in the electricity market
A Aghajani, R Kazemzadeh, A Ebrahimi
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems 28 (11), e2621, 2018
MEMS based oscillator for UHF applications with automatic amplitude control
M Baghelani, HB Ghavifekr, A Ebrahimi
Microelectronics journal 44 (4), 292-300, 2013
Moving object removal in video sequence and background restoration using kalman filter
S Kamel, H Ebrahimnezhad, A Ebrahimi
2008 International Symposium on Telecommunications, 580-585, 2008
MAX-MIN power control of cell free massive MIMO system employing deep learning
AM Saray, A Ebrahimi
2022 4th West Asian Symposium on Optical and Millimeter-wave Wireless …, 2022
Vehicle trajectory prediction in top-view image sequences based on deep learning method
ZS Nejad, H Heravi, AR Jounghani, A Shahrezaie, A Ebrahimi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.01749, 2021
Low price foot pressure distribution screening technique: optical podoscope with accurate foot print segmentation using hidden Markov random field model
H Heravi, A Ebrahimi, S Nikzad, E Olyaee
Journal of Biomedical Physics & Engineering 10 (4), 523, 2020
Short-term prediction of market-clearing price of electricity in the presence of wind power plants by a hybrid intelligent system
A Aghajani, R Kazemzadeh, A Ebrahimi
Neural Computing and Applications 31, 6981-6993, 2019
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Articles 1–20