Jinhao Chen陈锦浩
Jinhao Chen陈锦浩
Student of Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Texas A&M University
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Cited by
Sliding mode control to stabilization of cascaded heat PDE–ODE systems subject to boundary control matched disturbance
JM Wang, JJ Liu, B Ren, J Chen
Automatica 52, 23-34, 2015
Robust control for a class of nonaffine nonlinear systems based on the uncertainty and disturbance estimator
B Ren, QC Zhong, J Chen
IEEE Transactions on Industrial electronics 62 (9), 5881-5888, 2015
UDE-based trajectory tracking control of piezoelectric stages
J Chen, B Ren, QC Zhong
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63 (10), 6450-6459, 2016
Presentation, error analysis and numerical experiments on a group of 1-step-ahead numerical differentiation formulas
Y Zhang, Y Chou, J Chen, Z Zhang, L Xiao
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 239, 406-414, 2013
Evaluation of graph analytics frameworks using the gap benchmark suite
A Azad, MM Aznaveh, S Beamer, MP Blanco, J Chen, L D'Alessandro, ...
2020 IEEE International Symposium on Workload Characterization (IISWC), 216-227, 2020
Parallel GraphBLAS with OpenMP∗
M Aznaveh, J Chen, TA Davis, B Hegyi, SP Kolodziej, TG Mattson, ...
2020 Proceedings of the SIAM Workshop on Combinatorial Scientific Computing …, 2020
Growing-type WASD for power-activation neuronet to model and forecast monthly time series
Y Zhang, W Lao, L Jin, T Chen, J Liu
2013 10th IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA …, 2013
Comparison on prediction abilities of single-input neuronets activated by different polynomials
Y Zhang, J Chen, W Lao, Z Zhang, Y Chou
Journal of System Simulation 26 (1), 90-96, 2014
Hysteresis compensation in piezoelectric actuator positioning control based on the uncertainty and disturbance estimator
J Chen, B Ren, QC Zhong
2015 American Control Conference (ACC), 2537-2542, 2015
ZG controllers of z2g0 and z2g1 types for tracking control of IPC mathematical model
Y Zhang, J Chen, X Yu, W Lao, C Peng
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46 (20), 689-694, 2013
张雨浓, 李名鸣, 陈锦浩, 劳稳超, 吴华荣
计算机工程与应用 49 (3), 44-49, 2013
Multi-physics modeling of hysteresis in vanadium dioxide thin films
C Annasiwatta, J Chen, JM Berg, A Bernussi, Z Fan, B Ren
2016 American Control Conference (ACC), 6905-6910, 2016
Weights and structure determination of 3-input Bernoulli polynomial neural net
Y Zhang, F Luo, J Chen, W Li
Computer Engineering and Science 35 (5), 142-148, 2013
Growing-type weights and structure determination of 2-input Legendre orthogonal polynomial neuronet
Y Zhang, J Chen, D Guo, Y Yin, W Lao
2012 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, 852-857, 2012
The 3-input Euler polynomial neuronet (3IEPN) with weights-and-structure-determination (WASD) algorithm
Y Zhang, W Li, X Yu, L Xiao, J Chen
2012 Proceedings of International Conference on Modelling, Identification …, 2012
一点超前数值差分公式的提出, 研究与实践
张雨浓, 陈宇曦, 陈锦浩, 殷勇华
中山大学学报 (自然科学版) 51 (2), 1-5, 2012
Algorithm 1021: SPEX Left LU, Exactly Solving Sparse Linear Systems via a Sparse Left-looking Integer-preserving LU Factorization
C Lourenco, J Chen, E Moreno-Centeno, TA Davis
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) 48 (2), 1-23, 2022
Weights and structure determination of pruning-while-growing type for 3-input power-activation feed-forward neuronet
Y Zhang, W Lao, Y Yin, L Xiao, J Chen
2012 IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics, 212-217, 2012
Sparse Exact Factorization Update
J Chen, TA Davis, C Lourenco, E Moreno-Centeno
2021 IEEE/ACM 11th Workshop on Irregular Applications: Architectures and …, 2021
High Bandwidth Control of a Piezoelectric Stage in the Presence of Rate-Dependent Hysteresis
J Chen, B Ren, QC Zhong
Information Storage and Processing Systems 49880, V001T03A003, 2016
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Articles 1–20