Meral Azizoglu
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Cited by
Multi-objective integer programming: A general approach for generating all non-dominated solutions
M Özlen, M Azizoğlu
European Journal of Operational Research 199 (1), 25-35, 2009
Tardiness minimization on parallel machines
M Azizoglu, O Kirca
International Journal of Production Economics 55 (2), 163-168, 1998
Scheduling a batch processing machine with incompatible job families
M Azizoglu, S Webster
Computers & Industrial Engineering 39 (3-4), 325-335, 2001
Rescheduling of identical parallel machines under machine eligibility constraints
O Alagöz, M Azizoğlu
European journal of operational research 149 (3), 523-532, 2003
A flexible flowshop problem with total flow time minimization
M Azizoğlu, E Çakmak, S Kondakci
European Journal of Operational Research 132 (3), 528-538, 2001
Dynamic programming algorithms for scheduling parallel machines with family setup times
S Webster, M Azizoglu
Computers & Operations Research 28 (2), 127-137, 2001
On the minimization of total weighted flow time with identical and uniform parallel machines
M Azizoglu, O Kirca
European Journal of Operational Research 113 (1), 91-100, 1999
A disassembly line balancing problem with fixed number of workstations
EG Kalaycılar, M Azizoğlu, S Yeralan
European Journal of Operational Research 249 (2), 592-604, 2016
Assembly line balancing with station paralleling
Y Ege, M Azizoglu, NE Ozdemirel
Computers & Industrial Engineering 57 (4), 1218-1225, 2009
Scheduling a batch processing machine with non-identical job sizes
M Azizoglu, S Webster
International Journal of Production Research 38 (10), 2173-2184, 2000
A branch and bound method for the line balancing problem in U-shaped assembly lines with equipment requirements
D Ogan, M Azizoglu
Journal of Manufacturing Systems 36, 46-54, 2015
Scheduling jobs on unrelated parallel machines to minimize regular total cost functions
M Azizoglu, O Kirca
IIE transactions 31 (2), 153-159, 1999
Single machine scheduling with preventive maintenances
S Batun, M Azizoğlu
International Journal of Production Research 47 (7), 1753-1771, 2009
Workload smoothing in simple assembly line balancing
M Azizoğlu, S Imat
Computers & Operations Research 89, 51-57, 2018
Two-machine flow shop scheduling with two criteria: Maximum earliness and makespan
B Toktaş, M Azizoğlu, SK Köksalan
European Journal of Operational Research 157 (2), 286-295, 2004
Bi-Criteria Scheduling Involving Total Tardiness and Total Earliness Penalties
M Azizoglu, S Kondakci, O Kirca
International Journal of Production Economics 23 (1-3), 11 - 18, 1991
Scheduling job families about an unrestricted common due date on a single machine
M Azizoglu, S Webster
International Journal of Production Research 35 (5), 1321-1330, 1997
Exact and heuristic solution approaches for the airport gate assignment problem
Ö Karsu, M Azizoğlu, K Alanlı
Omega 103, 102422, 2021
Single machine scheduling with maximum earliness and number tardy
M Azizoglu, S Kondakci, M Köksalan
Computers & Industrial Engineering 45 (2), 257-268, 2003
Minimizing flowtime and maximum earliness on a single machine
M Koksalan, M Azizoglu, SK Kondakci
IIE transactions 30 (2), 192-200, 1998
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Articles 1–20