Mazen Selim
Mazen Selim
Professor of Computer Science, V.Dean for Students Affairs- Delta University for Science&Technology
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Cited by
An Automatic Arabic Sign Language Recognition System (ArSLRS)
NB Ibrahim, MM Selim, HH Zayed
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 30 (4 …, 2018
Salp Swarm Algorithm for Node Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks
HM Kanoosh, EH Houssein, MM Selim
Journal of Computer Networks and Communications 2019, 2019
A high capacity algorithm for information hiding in Arabic text
A Taha, AS Hammad, MM Selim
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 32 (6 …, 2020
An improved copy-move forgery detection based on density-based clustering and guaranteed outlier removal
A Hegazi, A Taha, MM Selim
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 33 (9 …, 2021
Advances, Challenges, and Opportunities in Continuous Sign Language Recognition
HHZ Nada B. Ibrahim, Mazen M. Selim
Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 15 (5), 1205-1227, 2020
2D Face Recognition System Based on Selected Gabor Filters and Linear Discriminant Analysis LDA
SF Hafez, MM Selim, HH Zayed
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues 12 (january 2015), 33-40, 2015
Currency Recognition System for Blind people using ORB Algorithm
M M Selim, Mohamed Taha, Ahmed Yousry
international Arab Journal of e-Technology 5 (1), 34-40, 2018
Bio-inspired Based Techniques for Thermogram Breast Cancer Classification
A Abdulrahman, M Ali, M Selim
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems 12 (2), 114-124, 2019
A dynamic skin detector based on face skin tone color
NB Ibrahim, MM Selim, HH Zayed
2012 8th International Conference on Informatics and Systems (INFOS), MM-1-MM-5, 2012
Fusion time reduction of a feature level based multimodal biometric authentication system
RO Mahmoud, MM Selim, OA Muhi
International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development (IJSKD …, 2020
A content based image retrieval approach based on principal regions detection
MA Helala, MM Selim, HH Zayed
International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI) 9 (4), 204, 2012
Heartbeat classification based on single lead-II ECG using deep learning
MF Issa, A Yousry, G Tuboly, Z Juhasz, AH AbuEl-Atta, MM Selim
Heliyon 9 (7), 2023
Copy-move forgery detection based on automatic threshold estimation
A Hegazi, A Taha, MM Selim
International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development (IJSKD …, 2020
A Hybridized Feature Selection Approach in Molecular Classification using CSO and GA
A Elsawy, M Selim, M Sobhy
Int. J. of Computer Applications in Technology 59 (2), 2018
An Image Retrieval Approach Based on Composite Features and Graph Matching
MA Helala, MM Selim, HH Zayed
Second International Conference on Computer and Electrical Engineering, 2009 …, 2009
User Authentication with Adaptive Keystroke Dynamics
SI Hassan, MM Selim, HH zayed
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues 10 (4), 127-134, 2013
Blind Signature Schemes based on ElGamal Signature for Electronic Voting: A Survey
HHZ Mazen M. Selim, Monira M. Khater, Ayman Al-Ahwal
International Journal of Computer Applications 180 (30), 21-28, 2018
Robust blind image-adaptive watermarking
LA Elrefaey, ME Allam, HA Kader, MM Selim
National Radio Science Conference, 2008. NRSC 2008., 1-13, 2008
Image quality enhancement in Neutron Computerized Tomography based on projection exposure time adjustment
SR Soliman, HH Zayed, MM Selim, H Kasban, T Mongy
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 154, 108862, 2019
Cloud-based fuzzy keyword search scheme over encrypted documents
HM Abdallah, A Taha, MM Selim
International Journal of Sociotechnology and Knowledge Development (IJSKD …, 2021
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Articles 1–20